[indent][indent][color=gray][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0f7t5nD.png?1[/img] [b][color=silver]“Intergalactic Space Crusaders”[/color][/b] Part 1 [hr][/center] [color=green]“Well. This is a big rock.”[/color] Sojourner Mullein mused as she approached the piece of rock that was in the immediate domain of the rings of Saturn. [i][color=white]“Correct. It is similar in scale to the one that destroyed Cyza Uranlax 6.”[/color][/i] Jo nodded, understand the weight of the situation. Cyza Uranlax 6. Hit by an inorganic object that caused a planet to excise all life from its surface upon impact. It was a basic frame of reference for anybody who had been a cadet and stuck learning about Green Lantern protocol, jurisdiction, and galactic history. She called up her lantern, restoring her energy to full power. It was going to take a lot to take this down with no other support. Could Superman even breathe in space? She didn't know. She wasn't sure Superman knew. That left her by herself unless J'onn showed up, which she didn't anticipate happening. Gosh, she wished this was something that had happened before Sinestro had lost his god damn mind and went dark into deep space. The last time she saw her former partner he was staring down a Skrull battleship in the neutral zone. [color=green]“Have any other lanterns responded to the alert?”[/color] [i][color=white]“Sinestro's replacement is still in-training for this sector. Somar-Le and Dalor of Sector 2813 have not responded at this time. Arisia Rrab and Ebikar Hrui of Sector 2815 are on their way. They will not make it on time.”[/color][/i] [color=green]“Just me and impending doom. Got it. Cool.”[/color] She took a hefty breath as she punched her closed fist into the lantern as the glowing ring and lantern glowed in the darkness of space. Just part of the job. She knew that. As she moved her hand away from the lantern and it vanished back into its pocket dimension, she focused on the inbound potentially-earth-destroying object as her eyes glowed brighter and brighter. Sinestro would’ve said something pragmatic and cold in the face of this she was sure. “Whose will is stronger, young Lantern?” echoed in her mind, though Sinestro had never led her against a gigantic asteroid before. She chuckled as she began channeling her will through the ring. Before long the energy construct had warped itself around her into a form of a giant armo of gigantic size. [center][img]https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/57ffe53f579fb3fe718ca27f/1597084375332-HP9UNSFFC75446X8H9DV/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kFWotYqiyoJVGG4RZnOiIfhZw-zPPgdn4jUwVcJE1ZvWEtT5uBSRWt4vQZAgTJucoTqqXjS3CfNDSuuf31e0tVFXloQqv9iD4rV4Qzo0wSCZl6jajkYLxtA_sTKXu1YmJSxMvqBZcm2c1OP9ywWDrlE/STL158138_360x.jpg[/img][/center] It was the first thing that came to her mind; and it was time to kick rocks. [color=green]“AYA. Hypothetical question. Charging into the weakest, central point of the asteroid will divert its course and avoid the problem, right?”[/color] [i][color=white]“Hypothetically.”[/color][/i] The AI paused, as if mocking her, [i][color=white]“Calculations would say so, yes. But the debris would be flung in various directions in the sector at equative speeds. You would have to do ‘clean up’.”[/color][/i] [color=green]“Good enough for me.”[/color] [i][color=white]“My program is speculating that this was not a hypothetical question.”[/color][/i] [color=green]“Yeah, well, shut up. Got a date with the rock and I'm not talking about the actor.”[/color] As AYA noted her response the construct around her clenched its fists as they flew forward as fast as they could. By the time they collided, by all estimations, she would be punching the rock at full velocity in front of Jupiter. NASA was certainly going to have a field day making sense of what nearly just happened. But at the very least Earth didn't have to have a second ice age so soon. Thank Oa for that.[/color] [/indent][/indent]