[centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/2AVljdo.gif[/img][/centre] The blonde blinks in response to the other's strange reply. Had she not been clear with her words or was this Calypso's way of rejecting her offer? The question lingers in her mind a moment longer before she opens her mouth to speak again, fully intending on expressing her confusion. However, before she can get a word out, a small force rams into her, almost knocking her from her feet. A light cry of surprise leaves her once Alayna realizes what is happening, and she struggles inwardly to hold back a ferocious blush from creeping up her cheeks. The girl was never one for close contact with others or-her eyes dart from Dakota to those around her she could see. Attention. Attention from a room full of people who either didn't know her or hated her is the last thing she needs right now. Thankfully, for both her and her now slightly syrupy hair, Calypso pulls away, steering the conversation into the realm of introductions and away from...whatever that hug had been. With a straight face, Alayna nods her head at Dakota's question, biting her lips to suppress a laugh. Dakota's laugh is both annoying and, in some way, endearing, although she wisely chooses not to express this opinion. Instead, she finds her attention once again being drawn somewhere else, this time in the form of what can only be her male twin from another life. Her eyes instantly fixate on the boy's scar, having never seen one like it before. "[color=ed1c24]Scar...that is a pretty good name actually,[/color]" she finally says, her eyes now settling on the two furballs wrestling on the ground. She'd always wanted a cat but between practicing her magic and keeping up the mirage of a normal life, she'd never had the chance. "[color=ed1c24]Umm, can I, maybe, pet her?[/color]" the witch asks then, a hint of a smile hovering around the corner of her lips. [@Hitman][@Danvers][@canaryrose]