[quote=@Heroic] *Pulls the energy from my person and consolidates it into a single point before it disappears altogether* "Some" being the operative word. *Attacks you again similarly to before, but it's much more compressed and impales you instead of simply impacting* [/quote] *the part of your body you use to impale me instead cripples itself upon impact with the thin Amaranthine field around my body, seemingly hardened to the consistency of a very dense and strong material. I take a step towards you, crushing the dimensional fabric underneath my feet as I do so, and I grab you by the throat, with power like a dimensional vice grip* [color=662d91]Comparatively, you are but an ant fighting a god. Luckily for you, I am a merciful one. I will give you a chance to repent for joining the side of the Lessers. Surrender yourself to the amaranthine, and rule Existence alongside your future brothers and sisters. together we can fix the errors of past faulty beings.[/color]