[hr][Center][h1][color=Silver]Prologue[/color][/h1][/center][hr] [hider=First part, Air Plane Troubles]Brody had spent the past week finding out that traveling is not as easy as he remembers it to be. Now having a Noble Arm makes traveling more difficult and annoying, as there is a load of paperwork needed just to set up to travel to a different country. With even a D-rank Noble Arm there is paperwork that can very well take some people of upwards to a week to do. Brody just so happened not to hear about the paperwork needed until he was leaving as he was denied entry and had to spend another week in England to try and do the paperwork as quickly as he could as schooling in Trinidad had already begun. After a week of filling out paperwork and filing for reimbursement on his original plane ticket. Brody had finally got onto his flight to the Philippines and on his journey to find a purpose. Praying that maybe this would be the hardest part of his time here, as people looked at him like a criminal for just forgetting a bit of paperwork, it was slightly nerve-wracking as people who knew of him being a Noble Arms Master seemed wary of him. When Brody left to head off to the airport, he left his home to find a police car outside waiting for him. As they wait for him, they explained they will be going and escorting him to the airport where you will be passed off to a NATO contracted Noble Arms Master. As the ride was quiet, neither the two police officers said a thing to Brody as the ride was quiet and somber as neither of the police seemed to have been letting their guard down. In all honesty, the younger driver seemed to have stayed in such high alert. Even slight movements Brody made, had the young officer look back at him through the rearview mirror to try and notice any sign of hostility, always ready for Brody to try anything.[/hider] [hider=Second Part, A Loving Hand][hider=Christopher Rodwell][img]http://static.zerochan.net/Doujima.Ryoutarou.full.1044660.jpg[/img][/hider] Once they made it to the airport they came up to an interesting looking man. A tall dark tanned man with disheveled black hair and a stubbly beard. He is in a black coat with a thick pair of jeans and has a cigarette bit in between his lips as he just looks off to the car pulling up to him. As once Brody came out the man takes his cigarette and puts it out as the man heads to the back as he pulls out the rest of Brody's luggage. The man swings his arm around Brody's shoulder as he started escorted Brody to the plane. As they began heading over to the plane, they go through security with ease as they just simply walk through lines and security as he shows them his opened wallet, assumedly he has some crazy level clearance ID that allows him to do as he pleases. As once they boarded the plane, the man pulled Brody off to first class, as they both sit down. Feeling strange as they probably took other people's seats. The man looked over and threw a smile at Brody saying, [color=lightblue]"Hey Kid, my name is Christopher. It's good to meet ya"[/color]. The plane ride was a long one, yet the older man started a little corny, as he tried to get Brody to open up to him. As he had given Brody the good treatment of first-class can offer: full meals, any drinks he wants (as long as they are not alcoholic), and anything as he was sitting in the lap of luxury. Christopher acted as like a cool uncle Brody has never met, as he was trying to make sure Brody knew he wasn't here to be a bad guy, and that Brody was not a criminal. As he was shooting the shit with Brody, speaking about his job as a United States Marine Corps Captain. With his many tours as a captain, he had found many things and had traveled to many places. As he handed Brody some of his luggage to look through, as it held many different little artifacts and trophies he had found. As many have different stories and reasons how he had acquired the object. One of the things that Christopher noticed Brody gravitate to an ornate dagger with a large curved blade. It had a stark white blade that had deep grooves dug into it made to fill with a deep dark black material that is embedded into the blade. As Brody placed his hand onto the ornate silver handle as it felt light and good in the hand. As Christopher noticed his intrigue in the blade Christopher made a plan in his head. [color=lightblue]"That blade? It was given to me by some villagers in the Middle East. It is the blade of that of a man to become a truly extraordinary"[/color].[/hider] [hider=Third Part, Coming to the Philippines]Later into the flight Christopher started trying to relax Brody for the trip over as it will be a few more hours, and it is important to sleep before you make it to the end of the trip. As Christopher asked for blankets and pillows for himself and Brody. As they both slept the rest of the trip. Once they awoke they found themselves in the Philippines, as they are greeted by a strange sight a larger man in .a red jacket and black pants, with a white mask. Christopher chuckles and greets the man, [color=lightblue]"You never cease to surprise me. Eh, Johnny boy"[/color]. They leave with this man and start making their way to the entrance of the airport. There they find a car waiting for them, with a well-dressed man seeming to be their chauffeur. Before they make it to the school, Christopher asked the driver to go to Brody's favorite Fast Food joint. As to have one last good memory with him before they inevitably might never see each other again. Once they had their fill and a few more fun laughs, they finally made it to Trinidad the school of Hopes and Dreams. As they made it to the entrance to the academy the larger man steps out and lets Brody out of the car. As when Brody was about to leave, Christopher gave a small smile and a wave with a toss of a small business card to him as he said, [color=lightblue]"See you around kid"[/color]. As the door closes and the car drives off. On the business card, it is a business card for a PMC group, Lost Heaven. Leaving the small card and a heavyweight in Brody's bag, as it was the knife that Brody found interest in.[/hider] [hr][Center][h1][color=Silver]Brody's Bad Boy Entrance[/color][/h1][/center][hr] Once Brody found himself inside the reception office the man who brought him in had disappeared as he is left to fend for himself, as he walked aimlessly through the halls, he finally found the receptionist there and ready to help him figure out what he is to do as it comes to his apparent realization that he had missed a good bit of school already as he is supposed to find a teacher by the name of Fredrick Jones. As he will be the one to help Brody around the school and find his class. As when Brody leaves the reception office, he finds that he has no clue where to go, maybe this campus is more intuitive than he thinks it is. He was wrong, as he aimlessly traveled and found many people running around when classes should be in session. As he was traveling he saw people heading to many different places, yet some seem to have this strange air about them. As he watched people talking, some seemed to have met this genuinely handsome man with a strange air of confidence and superiority about him as he talked to people. He seemed to talk and guide them as they entered a large building called the Training Hall. Brody had no clue where to find Mr. Jones, so he was looking around for some clue, yet as he was searching he found people gathering as they seemed to grab people. They talked to them as a few tried to leave quickly, by scanning their card and entering the Training Hall. Leaving the people who were about to harass them outside and unable to enter, while others were caught. They acted friendly with them and were talking and being chummy as they would normally enter the Training Hall with the people with cards and access. Yet soon after they enter a pained yell can be heard. Leaving Brody some questions, is this what the school is actually like? Brody is unsure yet one thing is for certain staying here might make it where those people might come out to do the same thing to him. [@Chiro]