[@Silver Carrot] [color=f7941d]"Villain? Eh I can do that just depends on how far you want is to go with it teach? Do you wanna make us go all out with out quirks? Be cartoonish evil? You gotta throw us a bone here how am I suppose to play to impress if I don't know how far to take it? I don't like going off half cocked Miss Akane! You just gotta point me in the right direction, and I'll do my best...not sure about that lack of confidence thing but whatever gotta even up the teams somehow."[/color] Comments Kouji as he starts stretching. He bounces eagerly on his feet as he prepares to think of what ways he can effectively use his quirk against his opponents. The other team has some strong quirk users...But they still thought his quirk was weak sauce from his weaker display earlier...probably not the best way to figure that out was a wind blast to the face. He lost to UA due to a lack of endurance, and who could blame him? Not everyone has to deal with constant headaches every time they hard core used their power. [color=f7941d]"Sorry if I'm being annoying Miss Akane but dad always told me: If there's anything worth doing its worth doing right."[/color]