[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmM4YzFjZC5WbWwyYVdGdUlGZHBiblJsY25NLC4w/gf-ordner.inverted.png[/img] [hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/OcgGYFa.png[/img] [hr] [color=C8C7CB][b]Time:[/b][/color] 4 PM [color=C8C7CB][b]Location:[/b][/color] Alexei's [color=C8C7CB][b]Interaction with:[/b][/color] [/center] [color=C8C7CB]“Alright, an old fashioned coming up!”[/color] Vivian tapped the order from one of the regulars into a point-of-service machine by the bar. She was giddier than usual thanks to Alexander’s hospitality earlier that day, though it would be fair to say that additional shots of alcohol did the most to influence Vivian’s mood. She decided to buy a few more after her benefactor left, in celebration of her new wealth. The afternoon remained leisurely as usual for the most part, with the unusual exception of a daytime brawl happening in the parking lot outside the establishment. Vivian had been playing more pool to kill time before the start of her shift and didn’t give it much thought. Bar brawls were a normal occurrence at Alexei’s either way. Vivian quickly reached for the different ingredients for the old fashioned cocktail and set them in front of her. It was early in her shift and she could still feel an alcoholic buzz fogging her senses somewhat, so she decided to avoid a showy display of bartending tricks. She began assembling the cocktail by placing a glass on the bar counter and dropped in a sugar cube, along with several dashes of various bitters. The ingredients were quickly muddled together with a pestle before being stirred with whiskey and ice. Despite the robotic way Vivian carried out the steps after having made so many before, there was still a fluidity to her movements as she crafted the drink. A sliver of lemon peel was rubbed against the rim to release its essential oils and gently submerged into the beverage as the finishing touch. The patron seemed happy to receive their drink so quickly after they ordered it. The thin crowd of the afternoon made it easier to give better service, but new groups of customers rolled in as the day inched closer to night, and Vivian became inundated with additional orders.