[HIDER=Accepted - Moved To Character Tab][COLOR=LIGHTGRAY][CENTER][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR] [img]https://i.imgur.com/iXz1WoE.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.imgur.com/sX7CePP.png[/img][hr][h3][sup][sub][color=EB1C24]C A R T E R H A L L ( K A T A R H O L ) [color=E0742B]♦[/color] M U S E U M C U R A T O R [color=E0742B]♦[/color] M I D W A Y C I T Y [color=E0742B]♦[/color] U N A L I G N E D[/color][/sub][/sup][/h3][img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img] [/CENTER][COLOR=E0742B][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [CENTER][sup][color=EB1C24]"I'm going to wipe that smirk off your face with my mace."[/color] [COLOR=E0742B]H A W K M A N[/COLOR][/sup][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT][i]Katar and Shayera Hol were a pair of alien law enforcement known on their homeworld of Thangar as 'Wingmen'. Thangar was the Capital of the Thanagarian Empire, the successor to the Polaran Empire which had previously ruled the Polaris System. In the spirit of their predecessors, the Thanagarians had become an expansionist race that plundered other worlds and stripped them of their resources and treasures to fund their ever-expanding fleet. Numerous members of their conquered worlds were taken as slaves and used to further the goals of the Thanagarians. As Wingmen, Katar and Shayera were responsible for ensuring the general populace's obedience to the Empire and among their duties was prisoner transportation. It was this duty they were carrying out when the pair's patrol craft was pulled through a wormhole before crashlanding on Earth nearly five thousand years ago. Surviving the crash, Katar and Shayera found themselves on an unfamiliar world in a foreign system. Seeking out a settlement, the pair found their way to Memphis. The Egyptians were astonished by the pair of Thanagarians and immediately became enamoured with their visitors due to the resemblance of their armour to the god, Horus. Welcomed with open arms, the pair were worshipped as gods by the people who believed that Horus had blessed them with his children. However, one of the high priests, Hath-Set, grew envious of the attention and worship the pair received. Craving it all for himself, Hath-Set began to covet Shayera as well, stalking the woman until he began to obsess over her. However, when the high priest finally confessed his feelings to Shayera, she spurned his affections choosing to remain loyal to Katar. In vengeance, Hath-Set planned to murder the two aliens exposing them as flesh and blood instead of the gods the people believed them to be. Poisoning their drinks in order to weaken the pair of Thanagarians, Hath-Set had their unconscious bodies moved to his sacred chamber where he planned to carry out their murder as a sacrifice to his own god. Using a knife made from the heart of a meteor, the blade cursed Katar and Shayera to forever be reincarnated, only to fall in love all over again. Then, at the point when their love for each other was greater, the hourglass would turn, and they would both die before their time. Since that first death, Katar and Shayera have lived out hundreds of lives, each different from the last and plagued with the memories of those that came before. Each life followed the same template, the pair would grow up, start their lives and eventually find the other, fall in love and then watch the other die. Sometimes one would die years before the other, other times they would die together, but no matter the lifetime the pair were forced to endure one tragic end after another.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=E0742B][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]This latest reincarnation of Katar Hol has been slowly piecing together his past lives, using his knowledge of history to run the Midway City Museum of Ancient History. Unlike previous iterations, he has yet to meet his Shayera and instead has been working as an archeologist to recover artifacts from around the world while leading a double life as a vigilante. Cursed with an insatiable need for justice, Katar has found himself unable to ignore the troubles of the world and has single-handedly taken it upon himself to clean up Midway City. Recovering his Nth Metal armour, he's been dubbed both a 'Guardian Angel' and the 'Hawkman' by the local media despite his heavy-handed methods. Seeking a way to end the curse put on him by Hath-Set, Carter's passion for archeology comes searching for the same knife that had cursed himself and Shayera. Unfortunately, he has yet to discover the blade leading him to continue his search whenever he has time away from the museum. On an author level, I believe Hawkman could be an interesting character for me to portray. Given his history and greater scope, he has a lot in common with Thor while having less popular mythos than the likes of Batman meaning it'll require less cooperation and sharing on my part. His power levels and abilities allow him to travel the globe and interact with other players and characters for both collaborations or large scale events. Hawkman's rougher personality will likely be a challenge for me to portray but at the same time, I think it could be fun playing a character who is rougher around the edges and not afraid to speak his mind. For the time being, I'm going to be keeping Carter strictly Earthbound and doing small arcs to get my feet wet before looking into a grander scope and using Thanagar and the other mythology attached there. It is my intention to also have Hath-Set and Vandal Savage be one and the same ala DC's Legends of Tomorrow. I really like the contrast between the two characters in much the same way I did when I pitted Thor against Vandal (at the excellent suggestion of [@Morden Man]).[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=E0742B][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]Characters I Intend to Use: -Hawkgirl -Vandal Savage -Gentleman Ghost -Shadow Thief -And probably others but I don't want to get ahead of myself.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=E0742B][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT]The older model American built pick-up truck weaved in and out of the busy afternoon traffic. Exiting the interstate, the rebuilt engine let loose a loud rumble before the vehicle took the ramp and merged into the multilane road that wove its way through Midway City's downtown. Inside sat a scowling man who held a white knuckle grip on the steering wheel all the while cursing under his breath to himself. While he supposed he should be lucky he wasn't facing jail time, court-ordered anger management was far from high on his list of priorities on his day off. These days the driver tried to spend as little time in the city proper as he could. The world had certainly changed in the last five years, ever since the blue pyjama-wearing-boy scout the media had dubbed 'Superman' had literally flown onto every television screen in North America. Before that, it felt the world had never had to worry about a 'super-villain', the bad guys in movies were still Germans, Russians and gang bangers. Now the world had to worry about inter-dimensional starfish and hive minds attacking New York every other Wednesday. It wasn't the driver's fault he was angry about it, everyone should have been upset by it, thoroughly enraged even. Problems used to be solved by the guy with the bigger gun, now problems were solved by the guy with the bigger team of metahumans at their disposal. First came the Justice League, then came S.H.I.E.L.D. with their Avengers. What happened when either one of those teams decided to seize power for themselves, what happens when the Justice League decides they want to be the 'Justice Lords'. [I]Ruled over by a man dressed as a rodent. Not on my watch.[/i] "Carter Hall?" The driver had been so caught up in his thoughts, the rest of the drive had disappeared. Snapping back to reality he found himself sitting in a semi-circle with several other adults, each looking about as happy about where they were as he was inwardly feeling. "Mr. Hall, unfortunately as this is your third time attending, I do need you to actually speak or else I can't sign off on your court papers." It was as though Carter had been on auto-pilot. One moment he had been in his truck and the next here. He scarcely remembered parking the vehicle, let alone entering the building, taking a seat or even where the piping hot cup of coffee firmly grasped in his right hand came from. The out of body experience was something Carter was all too familiar with. Visions of other lives regularly haunted his slumbering mind. Worlds, languages and experiences he could have never known, never imagined vividly came to him while he tossed and turned only to wake in the morning with no clear thought of where they came from nor any sort of rest. Even now the heavy bags hung under his eyes which no doubt prompted his unconscious need for coffee. "One moment," Carter replied breaking the heavy silence that hung over the room while the other individuals tried with no avail to not awkwardly stare at the man who seemingly just came out of a trance. Taking a long sip of the sobering beverage in his hand, it took almost all of Carter's willpower to not rear back in disgust. The burnt taste of overcooked cheap grinds invaded every corner of his mouth, prompting him to swallow hard and fast. The scorching liquid searing every inch down the back of his throat. With a slight sputter, he placed the styrofoam cup on the ground, before standing. Crossing the semi-circle of chairs in a few strides, Carter position himself behind the podium the counsellor had previously held. Gazing out over the group, Carter realized this was the first time he had ever truly looked over his fellow 'inmates'. It was a small group all said and done, only about five of them. One looked to be exactly the type you'd expect in an anger management session. Neck tattoo, gym and steroid inflated arms, too tight of a tank top clinging beneath a very loud jacket. The man next to him was the polar opposite. Glasses, a rumpled business suit and a tie that was clearly too tight. Another was a young woman who looked barely out of high school. Her eyes darted from the floor to the clock adorning the wall. Her left leg shook while she chewed the end of a pen held to her lips between two fingers, clearly in need of a hit of nicotine. That left only two others. Another male with absolutely nothing remarkable about him, if Carter had to guess why the fourth figure was here, he'd go with spousal abuse. It was a shot in the dark, he had no grounds of justification for it. But he knew the type and Mr. Bland screamed it. That left only 'Inmate Number Five'. She was stunning. Maybe not in the traditional sense, but there was something about her that immediately took Carter's breath away. Well dressed, prim and poised; obviously white collar which led to several questions about why on Earth she'd be in anger management. Red hair spilled over her shoulders, outlining the angular features of her face. A pair of piercing green eyes were raised to meet Carter's own gaze, they were fierce and full of life as they stared back defiantly, seemingly glowing in comparison to her radiant olive skin. "Mr. Hall? Uh, you actually need to speak." Carter shook his head, breaking the staring contest with the captivating woman. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her smirk. Suddenly, he didn't hate this group quite as much.[/indent][/indent] [COLOR=E0742B][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P O S T C A T A L O G:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.[/i][/indent][/indent][/COLOR][/hider]