Kyrinth, hm? By context it was easy to establish that there was some kind of threat... Nobunaga didn't push for any further answers immediately. Rather, she decided to observe their surroundings. While this girl certainly had some useful information, it was also a good idea to wait until they could speak to someone with greater authority. Something she did quickly notice, however, was the fact that only Lazhira had that silvery tattoo, among all the other people in the village... did that denote her position in some manner? It may have been unwise to ask directly, but perhaps not. Regardless, it could wait for now. At the moment she was attempting to absorb as much information as she could as quickly as she could. Their surroundings were quite rural, but the village seemed populated with a number of people. Ah, she was offering them to go to her place? That hardly seemed like a poor idea, as much as Nobunaga desired to speak to someone in power. Coming to understand the kind of culture they were dealing with was a valuable thing. But before she could finish her offer... A great beast burst into view, surrounded by spear-wielding men. It did not have any specific comparison to a living creature Nobunaga had seen in her previous lifetime, but it was likely the Kyrinth that Lazhira had mentioned previously. This was an opportunity. Nobunaga placed her hand on the hilt of her katana, stepping forward. "I believe I may know a few things," she said, simply, as she approached. As the small girl approached the circle of spear-wielding men, unsheathing her blade as she did, she took stock of the enemy. It was well-defended by silvery scales arranged in something like a pelt, and had quite clearly eaten a man. However... the underside of the animal did not appear so sturdy. In that case... "I understand I may be a foreigner here, but if the men to the beast's left side would harrass it with their spears I would be quite grateful," she said, raising her weapon carefully, "You need not place yourselves in any further danger, simply get its attention." Attacking the creature from head on would be foolish, as that was where its offense was focused. But all Nobunaga needed was a brief moment of distraction... as she was the smallest potential threat to the creature, it was unlikely that it would focus on her. Even if a piercing blow to the flank did not kill it, being able to make the first strike while it was distracted would be ideal. [@Rune_Alchemist][@PKMNB0Y][@Crimson Paladin]