[center][img] https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmUwYjYwYi5RMkZrWlc1alpTQnZaaUJoSUZSb2RXNWtaWEp6ZEc5eWJRLCwuMA,,/vtks-hyperboldi.regular.png[/img] [color=gold]Time:[/color] Morning [color=gold]Location:[/color] Forests outside Roshmi City [color=gold]Interactions:[/color] Elsea [@Tae], Cora [@Potter][/center] Cade led the way out of Roshmi, staying far from any lights or traces of others and sticking to the far outskirts of the city as they left. He stuck close enough to the humans that they could easily see him, and as a cat, his vision at night made it easy to navigate in almost total darkness. Once deep enough into the forest they took shelter inside a cave for the night, and though Cade would’ve much preferred to spend the night high up in a tree, it occurred to him that humans seemed much less equipped to sleep there without falling and likely injuring their more fragile looking limbs. His dreams that night were plagued by images of the demon from the ballroom that had destroyed and consumed all around it. The haunting presence of a beast that could not be fought, at least not by him, and the feeling of being powerless to help protect those around him, prevailed throughout his dreams. In his sleep he occasionally emitted a low growl and there was a continuous nervous twitching of his tail. He awoke before dawn with a restless feeling of needing to do something to make up for the things he was not able to do the previous night. He headed out from the cave, silently moving through the foliage as he did what a cat does best, hunting. It wasn’t long before he came upon one of the very large rodents that were common in the area, and with stealth and grace he pounced on the unsuspecting creature. Cade stopped on the way back to the cave’s entrance to grab a few pieces of the fruit that grew nearby knowing that humans often liked to eat more than just meat. Once he made his way back to the mouth of the cave he set to work building a fire to cook the meat over. He would have to wait for one of the humans to light it though, thus far any attempt to light a fire using only what the forest provided had only left him with piles of broken sticks. [hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjk2LjEwZjhmZS5RbTkzZVc0Z1JXeHRkMjl2WkEsLC4xAAA,/aldith.grunge.png[/img] [color=cyan]Time:[/color] Morning [color=cyan]Location:[/color] Forest outside of Roshmi [color=cyan]Interactions:[/color] Kenia[@Tae], Darius[@FunnyGuy], Elthrael[@Dezuel], Vaeril[@Alivefalling][/center] The rest of the night had been uneventful, and Bowyn spent the majority of his turn on watch pacing along the perimeter of the campsite and indulging in the stolen mead. The constant movement allowed him to burn off his anxious energy, he was fully involved in the rebellion now and that was all he could think about. It began to occur to him that as much as he despised the choice made by Risa and the rest who had summoned humans to Avalia, that he, and those like him, also carried some of the responsibility for that choice. Everyone in Avalia that could clearly see the evil of the Lich King and did nothing to stop him only added to the circumstances that made those who activated the DROMs feel that their action was justified. His compliance with evil was something that needed to be rectified, but beyond seeing the things that needed to be destroyed, he held little hope that Avalia would ever be anything better than what it had always been. Avalia was a place that had allowed an entire race to be banished and did nothing while the dark elves became twisted by evil, it had allowed a lich to take power and to use the dead as pawns, and now it had had stolen a race from another world to correct its own problems. Other than the obvious goals of ending Aklenroth, laying to rest the undead, returning the humans and destroying all traces of DROMs, what would come after that, if he even survived what came next. Did he even have the will to fight for something better when he didn’t even believe it possible, because now it was clear to him that to continue his apathy to the world around him was what allowed evil to thrive, and it would allow it to all happen again. When it was time for him to sleep he passed out drunk and exhausted. His sleep was empty and if he did dream he did not remember it. Bowyn was awoken by Boreas returning from his hunt with a shrill cry as the merlin proudly announced his success at having caught a meal. His hangover robbed him of any feeling of restfulness he might have gotten from the few hours of sleep, and he sat up with a headache and full bodied heaviness. The night had left him with the understanding that what he needed to do was make the effort to connect more to both this group he now traveled with and to Avalia in general if he wished to avoid falling back into apathy. As he watched his bird eat the much smaller bird Boreas had caught during his hunt, Bowyn decided that the rest of them should also eat before continuing their travels. He forced himself up from this spot on the ground, heading to a nearby stream to catch fish. He later returned with a few fish on wooden spears that he placed around the fire to cook. A small effort to contribute, he could handle that, it seemed like a step in the right direction.