[table][row][cell][h2]Maximilian[color=2e2c2c].[/color]Cornell[/h2][/cell][cell][/cell][/row][row][cell][center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/hgybknj.jpg[/img] [b]32 | Maximilian Alexander Cornell | He/Him [/b][hr][i]"We'll get through it, I promise."[/i][/center] [/cell][cell] [b]Description:[/b] [indent]The famed and magnanimous leader of Task Force RAVEN, and considered to be one of the strongest Deltahumans in all of FAMA. Maximilian Cornell rose through the ranks quickly (admittedly due to favoritism) after the Verthaven Disaster where he was credited as being the one that saved the lives of the survivors. Because of this Maximilian has been known for his leadership, effectiveness, and skill - while also maintaining a compassionate heart. In terms of personality, Maximilian is pretty nice but knows when it's time to work and when it's time to play. Usually, he places his team and the people around him before himself - though he finds himself getting frustrated with the FAMA leadership and how obtuse it is at times. Maximilian himself is a Caucasian mountain of a man that stands at six-five and is in really good shape due to how much he works out.[/indent] [b]Power:[/B] [i]Type-Blue - Echo.[/i] [indent]Maximilian has a [s]Stand[/s] subservient entity living inside of him. At will, he can bring out this entity - which mirrors his exact appears, except it's glowing with a golden tint, and much larger than him. Maximilian can command the Echo to do whatever he wants, it's fully capable of interacting with the environment. It's fairly strong, and fast - capable of delivering a barrage of punches that'd reduce concrete to pieces in seconds. However, it's not invincible. Only Deltahumans can see Echo, which is something he does to identify rogue Deltahumans. Maximilian also has the ability to fly. Maximilian is considered to be one of the strongest Deltahumans in FAMA.[/indent] [/cell][/row][/table]