[center][img]https://i.redd.it/jsm1l1anwht01.png[/img] [h3]Denver Reclamation Force[/h3][/center] Breathe. All he had to do now was breathe. Next on the list was think. Where could he go? Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, the machines were coming. Oh the Legionnaires had put up a good fight, even busted a few, but it wasn’t enough. They were as durable as deathclaws and just as fierce, but without backing down if gravely injured and yet the Legionnaires and Frumentarii raised their weapons and struck back with their own feoricty. With that said, of the men that didn’t run when realizing the ineffectiveness of their resistance was left mincemeat. The Frumentarius’s train of thought was broken when he heard the clank of metal robots. CRB-S and Assaultrons, the technician had called them. He knew it was pointless, but nevertheless he rose from his slump against the wall and ran down the hallway. Somehow it was more frightening that they were chasing him, rather than gunning him down as he ran. Trying to slow down so he could turn the corner the man managed to do the ninety degree bend, but from fear and darkness he tripped. Lars turned over to at least look his metallic killer in the eye, but instead they simply stood at the threshold to cross the intersection of hallways. [center] L̕͜oc̵͜ą́̕ti͝o̵͡ń͢ Se̛cu͡͡͠ŗ͢͏e̴͢.̧ ̕͢ R͠eg̀͟ŕo̶͢ư̶ṕ͜i̸͠n̕҉͢g.̡ [/center] With that they turned and went back from whence they came. Lars couldn’t believe it, but he wasn’t going to waste any time being astounded. He had lived and he would make this miraculous life count. He was going to report everything that happened - with suitable embellishment of course - and perhaps for his heroic performance could even find himself promoted with a great story to accompany his career. Whatever the Legion had found in the underground of Denver was far, far more than just a cyberdog factory, it was something frighteningly intelligent, (if apparently inept in a few respects) and the scientists had more than overestimated themselves. For their arrogance a good chunk were dead. No matter. They could be replaced; perhaps Lars could even volunteer for the mission to kidnap their replacements.