Evan had never been so happy to get food before, but apparently not as happy as Bri was. Her and Saul couldn't help but to chuckle at how she was answering, but Evan could understand that she was hungry. She just wanted to take her time with the tacos because they were literally something she could only get once a year. Saul went on talking though. "Yeah, I have been working on some absorption devices. I'm starting small, with rings that can absorb elemental discharge, but seeing as I've managed to get the fire one pretty well down I'm working on other items for it." He went to ask Bri for help with ice when she squeaked a little. He smiled a little at what she said. "Yes!" Evan smiled. "Two birds one stone. We get to see Aunt Anais AND we get to see Denise get super pissed off." She giggled and Saul chuckled too. "It'll be nice to see Anais too. I haven't seen her in..." he had to really think about it, but the thought kind of made his face fall. He saw her since the last time he had seen his own mother, but he shook the though from his mind. "I think it's been about seven years. The last time I was staying with Kiara to get supplies for my inventions." It didn't take long for someone to bump into him, and he looked to the pretty blonde that who was now holding his taco out to him. She apologized to him and he just gave a soft smile. "No, I'm sure it was my fault. I'm sorry. Are you alright?" he asked. It wasn't long after that when he heard her say something about the taco meat and he raised a brow. When she left he listened as Bri and Evan laughed loudly. "What?" "That was the worst flirting line I think I've heard in my life." Evan wheezed. Saul rolled his eyes a little and it made Evan laugh harder. "She checked you out, Saul. That girl was trying to flirt with you." Saul waved his other hand and sighed. "Sure she was." he said. He managed to finish his taco and threw his trash in a nearby bin before he felt his phone vibrate. He patted all of his pockets at first and it dawned on him. "Fuck." he mumbled. Evan gave a look. "What's up?" she asked, and she saw him pull out his phone. "Wait... No really, why are you saying fuck?" "I lost my wallet. Maybe I left it at home." he said, and Evan sighed. "Or, or, that girl who very poorly hit on you took it. This is why we've been telling you to keep your wallet where it's not so conspicuous." Evan said, and Saul rolled his eyes before looking at his phone. He stopped in his tracks for a minute. [i]Hey sweetie. I'm in town. I've got to scope the festival for other angels, but I'd like to meet up with you there. Love you, Mom.[/i] Saul heard some snapping in front of his face and he sighed. "Sorry." he said, opening the back cover of his phone to see he still had his emergency money there. Something he had learned to do after the first time he lost his wallet. "Who messaged you?" Evan asked, and Saul noticed they were in another line. "Well, Aunt Anais being here might not be the only thing to piss off Denise." he said, and he opened the message and showed both Bri and Evan. It was no secret that his mother was someone that pissed off Denise. When their dad was drunk one time with them, he even admitted that he wished that things could have turned out differently between he and his mother. And Denise knew it too. Not to mention that she was best friends with Anais, and that basically made it worse. Evan's loud laughter made Saul jump. "Oh... That would be a fun powder keg. Denise would totally burst a fucking vessel." she said, and she gave a grin. Saul nodded a bit and then looked to Bri. "And before I forget again, sometime this week when you get time, can you help me with some of my inventions?" -- The blonde girl with bright blue eyes could never understand what the whole point of these festivals was. It wasn't until she and her traveling companion and friend for the last 10 years had explained it was for meetings for different races that she understood. Sierra wasn't at all bothered by that, she was off the radar and hadn't heard news of her mother for decades now. Though, it made her wonder. The last time she had heard, Sybil had more children after her, and she couldn't help but to wonder if any of them would be in the area. Sierra moved through the crowds easily, helping Temperance scale the areas for more angels. So far the only angels she had seen had been other fallen angels who didn't seem too interested in the whole thing for Heaven. Another good thing about the angels that were after Temperance was that they tended to stick out, and so far she hadn't seen any. Sierra did notice something though, a blonde girl was being followed by a rather pissed off man and she rolled her eyes a little. Gently she tapped the man's temple from behind and watched as he teetered a bit. Sierra walked up to the girl who had just seen walk into another guy and head off not long after. She gently looped her arm through hers and whispered. "Stick with me for a few minutes, dear. There's a very pissed off looking guy following you." she said, and soon she turned her head a bit to see the guy still following them. Sierra took her other hand and made a hand motion before she saw him hit the ground where the crowd had broken apart. Sierra let out a long breath and walked a little further with the young woman. "Sorry, I didn't like how that situation felt and would much rather help where I can." she apologized before her phone went off. She looked at her message and smiled a little. "Sorry, been looking for my friend in here and it's hard when a lot of us are blondes." she said, motioning to her own hair. "I'm Sierra by the way. If you want, I can stick around a bit and make sure that guy doesn't try to come after you again." -- Val was glad when Siddiq brought her to a stand that had those... funnel cakes? Yes, funnel cakes, at it. She was very distracted by how loud everything was around them, and how many people there were. Val had been out in society in limited amounts and it was never this crowded. She felt Siddiq place a hand on her shoulder and he smiled to her. "It's okay, Val." he said, and she nodded. However when they went to step forward she bumped into someone and she saw Siddiq catch her and the plate of the person who she had just bumped into. "I'm soooooo sorry." Val apologized to the blonde girl as Siddiq handed back her plate. His eyes caught the guy the girl had been walking with and he just smiled a little. He saw Val looking the girl over. "Again, I am so sorry. I'm really bad at this whole crowd thing and..." she started talking fast. "Val, calm down." he whispered to her. He noticed how the air was changing a little but it stopped and he let out a long sigh. Val still wasn't the best at controlling her magic and reality bending in large crowds, but he couldn't blame her. She didn't have nearly enough experience around people. He could hear her still apologizing to them and he chuckled and patted the top of her head. It got Val to stop. "Sorry about my friend here. This is her first time here and she gets distracted easy because of how many people there are." Siddiq moved up in the line and shook his head as Val finally moved off of apologizing. He chuckled and ordered her a funnel cake and handed it to her when he got back over. Luckily, they hadn't been too far behind them in the line. "So you eat it with strawberry sauce?" She asked, barely noticing Siddiq slip the plate in her hand and rip a piece off of it. Well, since they were now engaged in conversation, Siddiq looked at the guy again and smiled. "I'm Siddiq, by the way, and this little klutz here is Val." Val waved a little and smiled. "Hi. Sorry. I'm really bad at this stuff." She said with a nervous chuckle. -- Aetulia was not happy with how this meeting was going in ways of tension. These thing had never been free going since Amal came to join the elders, and it was annoying. Before Darius could say anything to Delonna after she made her comment about Valkyrie, she kicked Darius under the table to keep him from saying anything. But Amal's answer made her roll her eyes. "It was in my notes that she needed to be reminded that her next offense would result in third trial." He said but he didn't fully answer the question. Which he never did. Delonna went on to talk about her crops.and everything amd Darius gave a nod. "Thank you." He said. It was when the Abyss was brought up she noticed Amal kind of tuned out. The Sentinels and Behemoths both had been under Aetulia's care since Amal became an elder. Foragers had always been under Darius and the Assassins had been under Delonna. She could see Darius visibly tense at the news and she sighed. "If you need me to, I can have Drakstin help you as well as the sentinels." Aetulia said. "Eileena could meet up with you there as well, she mentioned noticing something off in one of the darker parts." Darius said. This was one of the few things, Aetulia noticed, that tended to put all but Amal on edge. "Have you found anything out at all?" Amal asked, and Aetulia could hear some commotion outside. She waved her hand and bent reality enough to hide them when someone opened the tent flap. They looked around for a moment before leaving and Aetulia sighed. She saw Darius get up. "Excuse me. I need to go find Valkyrie and…" He began. Aetulia motioned for him to sit back down. "She is with Siddiq. She will be fine." Amal rose a brow. "Anyway…anything else we need to discuss?" -- The meeting went fairly smooth, Kai thought, but he nodded to Becca. "Of course." It seemed the meeting had been pretty well wrapped up by then and he looked to his watch. "If you guys ever need to get a hold of me. You can with these." He handed them each a small coin. "I have another meeting to get to." Kai looked to Az as he headed out. Az stuck around for a couple of minutes and gathered up his things before a girl knocked into him at the entrance. He gave her a curious look before he saw her end up caught by Warren. When she said she thought the tent was empty when Becca asked he raised a brow. That was when they heard people outside talking about Sybil. Warren smirked. "Oh now to have a little fun." He said and he looked to Az. "Might want to move, kid." Az nodded and headed out. It wasn't a moment later that a few men entered the tent. They looked around and Warren smirked. "Did a girl come running in here?" Tobias just shook his head, sitting in the chair beside the chair he saw the girl turn into. "This will be a fun exchange." He mumbled. Warren chuckled. "Nah, but I've got a message for your boss." He said, his eyes going over black. For a moment they all stopped in their tracks and started being each other up. "This is my favorite trick." Tobias chuckled. "I'm not helping you with clean up this time." He said. Warren rolled his eyes and watched as they took the fight out of the tent. A few moments later security had taken them off and Warren turned and looked around for the girl. He saw Tobias motion to the chair beside him before standing. "How many people does this bitch have here?" He grumbled as a couple more filed in. -- Temperance sighed as she walked around the perimeter of the food festival. She pulled up her wavy locks of dark blonde hair, and she sighed a bit. So far no angels were here, but she wouldn't put it past Michael to have them here. Even if angels didn't hold meetings on Earth. She stopped for a moment and texted Sierra to let her know she was going to make one more round before heading in. Then she texted Saul. It had been nearly a decade since she had seen him last, and this time she could tell him she was sticking around longer. So he could see her more. [I]Okay, mom. Can't wait to see you. Aunt Anais is supposed to be in town too. Love you.[/I] That whole message made her smile and soon she headed into the gates of the festival. She put on her ball cap and pulled her ponytail through the hole in the back before she started looking around. This place had definitely changed since the last one she had been to about 25 years ago. But it was nice, and the bustling crowds were easy for her to hide in. She bumped into someone after being pushed to the side by a woman looking for her purse. "I'm sorry about that." She apologized, dusting her hand off before offering it to the person who she had accidentally knocked to the ground. "Here let me help you up."