Vreta’s investigation was a slow process. The marks on the office building were on multiple sides, so it was difficult to say at a glance exactly where those who made them had come from or gone too. He had to move slowly and carefully enough not to be spotted by the guards, while also keeping an eye on his surroundings for anything notably out of place. Fortunately, whatever damaged the office building did not seem to have the word “subtlety in their vocabulary. As he was circling the perimeter of the building, he noticed a high fence with plenty of marks, scratches, and a bit of damage of its own. Something had scaled it, and likely quickly. Now that he knew where to look, he could see traces of the intruders’ path towards the building, though since he could not follow in that direction, he instead looked to track where they had come [i]from[/i]. Following the path into the neighboring lot, Vreta soon realized there was a lot to track. He could not be sure of the exact size of the group that had scaled the office, but they had been moving in a rather loose group. Quite spread-out. It would take a while to investigate the area around the warehouse, and that was if he did not need to go inside. If he did, he would probably have to just be content with an incomplete search. Still, the soldiers guarding the office had not extended their perimeter to the neighboring lots, so it was possible he could find something before they decided to sweep the area.