[hider=Jacob Roan Arling] Name: Jacob Roan Arling Titles: Team: [color=ed1c24]Red[/color] [hider=Appearance] [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/e0515cbb-332f-4fa2-8480-a8e89ba79531/d5qtwg2-d1be442c-9beb-48e5-b784-8ede2c7a1223.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTpmaWxlLmRvd25sb2FkIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi9lMDUxNWNiYi0zMzJmLTRmYTItODQ4MC1hOGU4OWJhNzk1MzEvZDVxdHdnMi1kMWJlNDQyYy05YmViLTQ4ZTUtYjc4NC04ZWRlMmM3YTEyMjMucG5nIn1dXX0.4yGdHxcECRDiA6gEDOid81LV3qekPrWbqFDoRXKLp80[/img] [/hider] Sex: Male Alignment: Lawful Neutral History: The head of the Arling Magus Clan, Jacob was born into a fading lineage sometime in the late 17th century in England. Trapped in a slow, yet certain decline from both their own self destructive traditions as well as the damage done to their Magic Crest in the last hundred odd years, the Arling bloodline had all but their end as Magi. Jacob did not. Gaining entry into the Clock Tower of the Mage's Association at the age of thirteen, Jacob would spend the next few years in intense study and research looking for ways to help his family. Eventually he would come to the conclusion that the problem lay in the clan itself, and that drastic action would have to be taken. Leaving the Clock Tower around the age of nineteen he would travel the world for several years before eventually returning to his clan's estate and enacting a swift and brutal purge of those elements and individuals he felt were restricting their future. The next two hundred years would be spent restoring their family's fortunes, slowly repairing their Magic Crest, forging new connections and alliances and other necessary actions. Personality: A sharp and shrewd individual, Jacob hides his intelligence behind the mask of a erratic and eccentric child, matching that of his physical appearance rather than his actual age. He is quick to spiral in long tangents and tales, often without an end in sight, and becomes easily distracted by candies and pastries of all kinds, often carrying several sweets hidden on his person. He often shows a playful and childish persona, rarely taking things seriously, even when in mortal danger, simply smiling and offering a treat of some sort. Even when calm, he rarely is seen without a smile on his face and a gentle look in his eyes. To him things are not a matter of Good and Evil, but what benefits or hampers his clan. In this way, he is an ideal Magus. He can easily recognize the potential threat a person can be, and is always watching and analyzing someone new, even when they don't think he can see them. [b][u]Magecraft[/u][/b] Quality of Circuits: A Quantity of Circuits: D Elemental Affinity: Wind & Water Attribute: Flow/Transfer of Power, Reinforcement [hider=Magecraft] [i]General Magecraft:[/i] The basics of Magecraft, while only a cursory education on them was given by his family, Jacob was quick to study and master these guidelines during his time in the Clock Tower. Of those spells, he became most adapt at the use of Formalcraft and Self-Healing Curses. [i]Arling Clan Magecraft:[/i] The tradition mysteries of the Arling Lineage, it deals with the study and manipulation of the weather, specializing in the usage of large scale, area of effect type spells and rituals of the water and wind elements. Using this magecraft Jacob is capable of creating lashing torrents of rain, massive banks of blinding fog, gales of wind, and devastating storms of thunder and lightning. While many of the larger spells do indeed require either multiple participants or an increased time spent casting, Jacob is more than able to utilize this system of Thaumaturgy in order to augment his more basic elemental attacks and mysteries. [i]Elemental Magecraft:[/i] Elemental manifestation and manipulation, it is a fairly basic magecraft dedicated towards the usage of the elements, most commonly as attacks in combat. Jacob himself utilizes the elements of Wind and Water and shows a decently high degree of control over both. He is, however, also able to use electricity by channeling the natural electromagnetic fields of the earth as well as the leftover remnants or building energies of a storm, utilizing his own body as a sort of focus. [i]Botany and Herblore:[/i] A byproduct of the Arling's origin as Druids, and their history of using their magecraft for crop production, they possess a number of spells and mysteries related to the subject of various plants and alchemical concoctions made from them. This includes medicinal aids, poisons, sleep aids, fertility aids, elixirs for the safe activation of one's Magic Circuits, simple hygiene products, and even hair dye, etc. etc. [i]Lifestream:[/i] Less a style of Magecraft than a specific ritual, the Lifestream is a technique Jacob developed late in his worldly travels, prior to his purge of the Arling clan. First properly utilized during his family's cleansing, the Lifestream channels the ambient magical energy, both from the surrounding land as well as any nearby living beings. Taking the form of wild electricity, the energy will slowly begin to drift towards the spellcaster before quickly gaining speed. It will then start to enter the magus' body as the energy is absorbed to prolong and maintain one's health and vitality. The usage of this ability is noted to be painful in the [i]extreme,[/i] and the first proper activation nearly killed Jacob via what could only be described as a "Magical Overload", leaving him with numerous scars and burns across his body. Though Jacob has perfected the process somewhat, it is still extremely painful to use, and is a stop gap measure at best. While it will certainly slow his aging to a significant degree, it still causes intense stress towards the body, and it will eventually give out, even if physically he will never look older than middle aged at most. [/hider] [b][u]Mystic Codes[/u][/b] [i]Bandersnatch:[/i] Jacob's cane. It is crafted from specifically treated steel, and separates into several pieces connected by bronze wiring. By channeling electric magecraft and reinforcement magecraft along the cane Jacob is able to control and direct it's motion in the manner of a whip, capable of smashing through concrete and tearing through flesh. Non-Magecraft Abilities/Items: He is surprisingly gifted in the realm of gambling. Be it poker, blackjack, simple games of dice, etc. More often than not he is on the winning end of the bet receiving a hefty payout. He knows his way around the human body, and as such has considerable knowledge of the medical field. He can be trusted to fix and heal someone of all but the most grievous wounds, and has a vast understanding of mundane drugs and medications. [hider=Trivia] °He enjoys cooking his own meals, while he is no master chef, he is more than capable of preparing and healthy and filling breakfast, lunch, or dinner. °His favourite meal is a simple breakfast of bacon, sausage, eggs (sunny side up), buttered toast, and light coffee. °He has several descendants living on the family estate in the forested hills of England. Of all of them, he only truly spoils and dotes on his "great-grandaughter" (farther along than that) Stella, A young girl who favours gardening and animals, though she has little magical potential herself. °Physically, he appears no older than 15 or 16 years old, in truth, he is 233. [/hider] [/hider]