[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/9f868d60-9a0b-4db3-a097-126db95acae8.gif[/img] [h1][color=fff257]Acion Nakamiji[/color][/h1][hr][/center] Being one of the early bird to the scene, as he stood by and waited for his teammates to arrive. During the meantime, he took the time to stretch his limbs and warm himself up, including all six of his wings. It did look sort of unique to see Acion bend his wings one by one as a warm-up exercise, but it was his anatomy, what could he do? As his classmates trickled in after finishing their changing, Acion began to seriously consider the team roster. On the one hand, he had to deal with Alice, who would probably be his primary opponent, considering Donny probably didn't have much power to deter Acion's aerial attacks. Nadeko could probably do some crazy metal gymnastics with her magnetic hand, but if he paid close attention it would probably not be a big deal. Alice's silent flight could be cause of concern, but Acion was confident he could disengage if things go sour. On the other hand, he had Dulga on his team, who had one impressive display the day before of strength and precision. It felt a little bit relieving to be on her team for the first combat. It would be scary having to deal with her when he didn't know what her combat style was. Kouji was also there, but he is more talk than walk at this point to have any sort of opinions on his capability. And there was Carol. She arrived just in time when he was thinking about her. [color=fff257]"Oh hey."[/color] He turned around as soon as he heard her. [color=fff257]"Yeah...I guess so. Well, I can't do ambushes of course, because...just look at me."[/color] Though the easier it is to ambush the enemy team, the easier it is they can do the same towards his team. But information is key to any successful ambush. Being a flyer in a team fight, Acion felt like it's a good thing to provide for the rest of the team. He might not be able to perform the ambush, but helping creating a perfect ambush could be something he could definitely do. [color=fff257]"I'm not sure what we're supposed to do in this exercise anyway, so I can't think of a concrete 'evil' plan, let's say."[/color] Acion laughed at that part. Hey, they were acting like the villain after all. [color=fff257]"I guess what we can discuss for now is how do you usually fight? Or what do you think what is effective? For me personally, I'm like that...you know that creature in that blocky building game. I think it's called Phantom. But yeah, I just swoop down on people from heights then go back up."[/color] Depending on what they're allowed to bring in for this exercise, this could be devastating. [color=fff257]"How about you...uhh...Tennebalm-san, if you don't mind me calling you that? What are you good at?"[/color] [@ShwiggityShwah]