[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://s22.postimg.cc/gp97f0fgh/0d6dfff653297a5a4a906f57fac8107e.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][@Natsu][@Kirah][/center][hr][center][/center][hr] [center][h1]THE RULES OF JUMANJI[/h1] 1. You will be rolling on the Discord server, using our dice bot and typing in !roll 2d6. Be sure to tag me when you do. 2. Only one person in each pair has to roll when it is that pair's turn, first person is the one who gets it. 3. I'll then be rolling to see what outcome you get and messaging you, as well as include a paragraph for the effects. You need to include the rhyme that I will be sending you in your post, and the part that I send you will go [b]at the end[/b] of your post and is not to be included when talking about your limits for how much you need to write. 4. There might be an instance (only one I can immediately think of) where I might bump the roll for movement on the game board to be one higher or lower, but only if it comes to that. (there are story reasons as to why this would be the case) 5. Only one pair can roll the dice [b]per round[/b]. This is so that the game doesn't end in a few rounds and you can't speed roll for it to make it go more quickly like that. However for some it might be more of 2 or 3 rounds before someone can roll again. Once the turn order has been decided (the first full round of game play will be determining the order) I will be including it here. And if your pairing's names are bolded, that means that it is your turn or we are currently dealing with the after effects of your turn. [list][*]Mary and Bethany (the Jade Monkey) [*]Ed and Annie (Metallic Elephant) [*]Elizabeth and Carolina (Obsidian Crocodile) [*][b]Guin and Pietro (Gold Lion) - Someone else could roll[/b] [*]Lance and Neil (Crystal Serpent) [*]Iris and Mira (Keratin Rhinocerous) [/list] Remember, the only way to win and have it end is when a game piece reaches the center of the board and the winners call out Jumanji[/center] [hr][hr][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/YRWL9Xc/Lance-Mira-and-Mary.png[/img][hr][color=8493ca][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Hangar [color=yellow][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[hr][/center] [color=7ea7d8]"I'm fine Guina, don't worry... Probably anyway... Yeah never doing that again,"[/color] Pietro mumbled opening his eyes and looking at her, [color=7ea7d8]"Besides, it would take a lot more then a freaking tornado to take me out given the fact that I can create a tornado myself,"[/color] he added with a bit of a smile. [color=007236]"Moving him might be a bad idea... Not to mention there is all of the other stuff that got released from the game that could potentially attack us if we leave the hangar..."[/color] Mary added somewhat quietly, not too sure what to really to say to potentially make things better. This was a horrible situation, and without knowing how bad Pietro's injuries were, then things could go horribly wrong for them, even more so then they were in general. Luckily for them, this time around Ed's powers seemed to want to work perfectly, and soon, the bone that was sticking out of Pietro's leg popped back into place, and the rest of his injuries healed entirely. His hair still had a tint of red to it because you can't easily get rid of the blood, but now he seemed perfectly fine. His attempts to heal Elizabeth however seemed to be in vain. Perhaps he only could heal people right now who were going to die without it? Who knew the answer to that one. [color=7ea7d8]"...Thanks Ed,"[/color] Pietro commented before he managed to get up off of the ground and looked over at Guin, [color=7ea7d8]"I'm fine Guina, see? Nothing to worry about."[/color] Lance glanced over at Elizabeth when she asked him how he knew Runa, [color=yellow]"Uh... It's a bit complicated,"[/color] he said in response, but he didn't really elaborate with regards to it. Now was not the time to talk about House of M and a whole other reality, since they currently needed to deal with everything else. Like Loki and a magical board game that was trying to murder them all. [color=FF17F2]"Excuse me, Elizabeth,"[/color] Klara said as she wandered over towards her and seeing her injured leg, Klara still had her injuries from when she was in the jungle (as well as the new ones from when she got out), but clearly she wasn't slowing down as she held her hand out and it surrounded itself in water which began to glow. [color=FF17F2]"If I may, since his healing did not seem to aid you, perhaps mine will,"[/color] she said with a smile, before she placed her hand gently over her leg, and soon, the bleeding and pain from it would cease. [color=FF17F2]"My own abilities do allow me to heal others as well."[/color] [color=007236]"So. whose turn is it?"[/color] Mary then asked, looking at the others seeing now that most everyone was healed in some way and wasn't in danger of dying at all. [color=yellow]"Mine and Neil's, but I'm not going to touch the dice since we all know what happened [i]last[/i] turn,"[/color] Lance said, shoving his hands into his pockets and heading over to a wall and leaning up against it, [color=yellow]"Neil can roll every single time our turn comes around I don't really care."[/color] Mira was just watching the chaos subside around her, and she was somewhat glad that everyone was alright. She was staying off by herself for the most part, given the fact that she still wasn't going to apologize at all to what she had done to Iris. The girl pissed her off to no end and she didn't accept the words [i]no[/i] or [i]leave me alone![/i] It was horrible, and right now Mira's head was starting to spin just thinking about it. At least she was pretty sure that was why she was a little bit dizzy.