[hider=Samuel Matthews][b]Name:[/b] Samuel Matthews [b]Codename:[/b] Adam [b]Age:[/b] 15 almost 16 [b]Physical Description:[/b] Stands at 5'10 and weighs 150 pounds, Samuel is no small man, being well built and strong. [hider=Samuel][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/36/41/4b/36414bd6dec39024cbbf537876ef8a04.jpg [/img][/hider] [b]Important items:[/b] [hider=Inventory] [hider=Personal Momentos] A golden wrist band that connects with Iris' identical wrist band to make a heart. A golden locket that has a picture with the whole Matthews family (Mom, dad, Iris, and Samuel). A small golden ring that is attached to the golden locket he wears around his neck. The ring seems to be far too small to fit Samuel's fingers. This seems to have been made with a matching ring. [/hider] [hider=Gear] Caladgolg, Magitech- A small bullpup carbine that was made with magitech to shoot condensed bolts of white-hot energy that is consists of his light lance magic. The power output of the energy bolt is lesser than the normal Light Lance, however, each shot still has the same effect of not being able to be healed if attacking a magical object or a being able to use magic. [hider=Caladgolg][img] https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/xenonauts/images/5/5a/Plasmacarbine.png/revision/latest?cb=20130606155248 [/img][/hider] Ballistics Vest - An undershirt of soft but tough materials surrounding a core of armored dura-ceramic plates that can withstand a few pistol shots. Galactic Credits - 20 thousand credits in digital form given by the former Rau've warden. Took Iris' credits on account she would spent it all on candy. Omni-Tool - Miniature Computer that allows for communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation, and small-scale hacking.[/hider][/hider] [b]Short Bio:[/b] [Hider= Backstory] [hider=Twin Stars] Samuel was born with his twin, Iris, to Richard and Joanne. Richard Matthews worked as a Star Ship Inspector and Joanne Matthews worked as a meteor miner. Mom was working one of the drills when she went into labor. 6 hours later, the twins were born. Iris was very healthy and came out screaming her lungs off. Samuel was born smaller and quiet, lacking constitution. As they grew, these differences at birth seemed to define their traits early in life. Samuel was a runt for a good portion of his early life, more like a shadow to Iris. He never had the same fascination nor constitution to play outside, so he took to more indoor activities, like reading and academics. Samuel excelled at schooling, music, and drawing, passing and far exceeding all around him. Yet, no matter how far he shined above others, he always seemed to pull Iris with him and helped her in every way he could, never questioning a moment when she did not get a subject. However, like anyone, when he gets upset he can become mean and accidentally make Iris cry, which ends up with him comforting her by holding her and getting her candy. Even with his lesser physical body than normal, he pushed himself every way he could to play with Iris, sometimes getting hurt or sick, yet never letting it show as he always wished to play with his sister, even if it hurt him. He never could truly be too far away from Iris, to the point where he could go into literal fits of anger when forced to be away from her. Their parents loved Iris and Samuel but not in the normal way. Having twins that were almost like opposites entertained them. Iris and Samuel were almost status symbols to them. Samuel took notice of this, as their parents almost seemed to enjoy them more being different rather than them being their kids to the point where the gifts they were given were meant to sell how close they were as siblings, adding to the look of the family unit. Samuel did not mind the gifts in the end, however, as Iris loved them too much to make him mad. He allowed her to take his clothing so they could match and made Iris feel as if they were closer than anything. To Samuel, they were, as she was the only thing he cared for. As few people played wit him, and their parents didn't seem too different either, just there enough to look like good parents, yet far enough away to be their own people. Just turning 10 the day before Iris wasn't done celebrating with Samuel. Samuel got pulled along to a remote woodland park that Iris discovered the other day when she hopped on the bus for no reason. Samuel was nervous but they both being there everything should be fine. Samuel walked with Iris as she ran and played, Samuel was not much of one to play 'till his heart gave out, so he watched her as he walked with her and played a little here and there with her, yet once he saw Iris get tired they both noticed an ice cream truck. Iris quickly ran over to get them some cold treats, while Samuel took his time to come over. Yet a cold chill ran down his spine as he heard Iris' scream as if someone put fire into his blood, Samuel ran over with a speed he never knew he could muster, as his heart was in his throat when he saw a few men in black put Iris in the back of the ice cream truck. Samuel, in this adrenaline high, tried to reach into the van to grab Iris, yet saw the door shut, not even noticing for a moment his arm was gone until he felt a warm wet liquid run down his arm. His eyes seemed almost enraged as he yelled in pain, as his other arm reached up and threw open the door that was being blocked by his now dismembered arm. He shakily stepped in as he moved towards one of the men slowly and threw a soft almost lifeless punch as Samuel said, "Let…her go-", as Samuel passed out near Iris. The men quickly took his arm and applied biofoam to the breakage and stuck the arm back on with nanomachines, and took Samuel too, after all, the kid showed enough potential in such a small frame, what can these twins do together? [/hider] [hider=Days in captivity] Samuel and Iris woke up to find themselves in a small grey room with each other with no visible doors and no windows, the air smells stale like there hasn't been fresh air here for years. Samuel quickly went over to keep Iris calm and make sure she was okay. This was the moment they were taken to an Ascendancy of Humanity Experimental site, where they were sent through a horrific blender of experiments and training. All the while being subjected to various humiliations and torture to slowly break down their sense of being and make them more weapons of war rather than people. However, anytime Iris seemed to have been overwhelmed by the grueling pains of missing the outside, Samuel was always there to make sure Iris knew he was there, and that they could get through this together and see the outside world again. As anytime they are given any form of sweet, may it be a fruit or otherwise, he would always give Iris his bit of sweet, as she seemed to love it more than he ever does, and in all honesty, her having a little smile is more than enough to make him happy. After a few months of their stay at the Ascendancy of Man Project site, they met an older boy by the name of Tarak. Samuel found this boy strange he seemed to be older than any other child here and was brought in now as everyone else was brought in at the same time. Samuel found him strange as he was an outsider to this world of pain. Yet before Samuel could notice, the strange boy was already talking to many of the others, many Samuel never even talked as they kept to themselves. Samuel watched in great interest as the boy went from one child to another. Tarak seemed to have this strange aura about him as he had this strange charisma that made many of the toughest kids laugh or smile as it was almost like they saw their big brother again. Sam watched hoping to gain that ability to maybe be able to do the same for his sister, yet never noticed that Tarak was already there and about to talk to them. As when Tarak spoke, Samuel felt strange, as if the boys very existence was this soothing thing that made the pain wash away for a moment, yet Samuel never noticed as the boy was talking, he passed the boy a piece of candy and so he did the same for Iris. His smile seems to have shown through as he took the candy to Iris and gave her his piece of hard candy too. Samuel trusted Tarak, for some reason he just couldn't explain. Like an omen, when Tarak started to train with them, it felt as if they were babying them, as they seemed to have kicked up the training. When this new level of training began, it was grueling. Being both physically and mentally demanding, everyday left Samuel exhausted beyond what he thought could be possible, as even the energetic Iris was left too tired to move. Yet, Tarak was always there to make sure they are taken care of, as he carried them back to the bunks when they were too tired to carry themselves to bed. Yet while during the training Samuel would keep Iris from falling apart when the training gets tough, and when in the bunks Iris and Samuel wound normally sleep together to keep each other sane while sleeping, as sometimes the yelling would never leave his ears, and sometimes he would wake up in a cold sweat as he felt the pain in his body radiate from his core outward as the pain was intense, yet while holding Iris, the pain subsides and he can at least gain some sleep. Now finally completing the basic training, Samuel felt some kind of strange uneasiness as he noticed multiple kids missing. Samuel started looking for Tarak, becoming increasingly worried as he saw more kids randomly disappear. He ran to find Iris again as he spotted her and felt this calmness flow over him as he ran to hug her. Almost immediately after this calmness disappeared some agents came and grabbed Samuel and Iris. Samuel kicked and bucked as they tried separating the two of them, and after more struggling they finally allowed the two to be taken together, as they walked hand in hand Samuel was scared, scared what will happen. They were soon brought to a lab, as they were set on testing tables where they were no more than 5 feet apart. From this distance Samuel looked to Iris and mouthed to her, 'It's alright, I'm here'. Soon an impossibly hot liquid was sent through Samuel's veins, as he grits his teeth and silenced a scream that was about to tear out his lungs. His eyes watered as the liquid ran its' course, yet not a single peep left his lips because he knew if he screamed, Iris would be scared. Soon he found himself passing out from the pain. Later waking up in the arms of Iris as they were both taken back to their bunk. When they started to learn magic, Samuel found out that any injury he or Iris sustained, the other sustained. The scientist started to test how far this strange connection goes, to the point of near torture to just see the response the other had. Samuel always felt the deep anger anytime he felt even a tinge of pain, as he headed over to find Iris to make sure she was okay. Almost like a sixth sense now Samuel was always there anytime he felt some tinge of pain or weakness, he knows where Iris is and even if she is okay. Feeling a bit like Tarak, he felt happy, happy that he is more like a big brother. Yet this was not the only magic they had, as they made many more, now to sync up and combine magics to help each other, as now in their training they were taught how to fight like a unit, to fight in tandem, and to always stay on the same wavelength, never losing focus, as they became a perfect machine. Samuel was more than willing to do so, so long Iris would be okay. [/hider] [hider=Fog of War] When the big wigs thought they were ready, Samuel and Iris were sent to war. A haze of blood and gun smoke covered Samuel's eyes, all he could see through that thick smog of death was a single goal, to make sure his sister was safe. Making sure that Iris would be okay in the end. They bleed together, fought together, and killed together. For the first year, all Samuel remembered was the hard nights with Iris as it was just them. Many of the other kids either died or were deployed elsewhere. Many of the soldiers and officers there treated them like dirt, many didn't even look at them as human, Samuel felt a rage build inside him as he watched them constantly berate and belittle Iris. After a grueling year deep into this messy fighting, the war had been going for about a year and a half now, through the war, they were sent out on a joint mission with another child soldier. Samuel was warry at first as the 'child' towering over both of them. The 'child' was wearing a large suit of armor as he met both of them. At first, Samuel was very protective, until the person took off their helmet to show the face of Tarak. Samuel and Iris hadn't seen Tarak since they were injected with that serum that made them capable of using magic. Samuel felt the unease fall away as they started working with each other. Tarak seemed the same as always, a kind big brother, as when their little group of child soldiers grew, Tarak seemed to take more in under his wings, while never forgetting to give attention to Iris and Samuel, but Samuel was more than pleased to see Iris seeming to do better with all these other kids to play with. After this point, the war seemed to be a bit happier? Samuel never knew what that feeling was, but he'll just say it was happy. Therewith these people that they could relate to made life a little easier. Samuel found Tarak was a glue that kept the kids around Iris happy, so Samuel found himself happy as well. As there were plenty of times where Tarak had to talk to a requisition officer to get sweets for the kids, most of the time it ended up as a no, there was the occasional 'extra shipment' of sweets the requisition officer found and had nothing to do with. Tarak took to the rationing of sweets as Samuel had always taken Iris' share, not for the fact he somehow gained a sweet tooth, but for the fact that he knew iris would eat all the candy so fast she would be sad once she had all of hers, then his, then Tarak's then probably 5 other kids candy. As really, Samuel knew Iris was too cute to say no too. These little things made Samuel feel okay, not about the war, but his life. He just had this nagging fear that wouldn't let go of him. Near the end of the war, Samuel had heard from some soldiers there was going to be this large joint operation to finish off the Alien forces at the star system Proxima. Samuel thought this was perfect! After all, to finish off the enemies here means all of them to get to go home. Get to live a normal life, and who knows, maybe Iris can get all the candy she wants when they all get home. So Samuel threw himself to this mission like it would be his last. This mission would be the most important mission they were ever given, as they were sent in with a battalion of other Child soldiers to take over the Rau've Flagship 'Indignation'. However, Samuel realized this mission was doomed from the start as they were captured quickly, many of them taken down quickly in the ensuing firefight. As people went down, one by one, Samuel did his best to protect Iris, yet soon even they too were overwhelmed and taken down as Samuel protected Iris from a shot, yet realized too late that they were both affected by this strange poison that affected both of them. [/hider] [hider=Prisoners of War] Samuel awoke in a new place, as he shoots out of bed and starts looking around like a mad man. Finding himself in a singular cell as he closes his eyes and bites hard on his lip to tell Iris where he was, yet when she was to bite her lip back, he felt nothing. Strangely he felt…normal? No this felt strange as he called out for Iris, trying to hear for her yet through the yelling and crying of others Samuel couldn't tell which voice out of the sea of yelling was Iris' and he felt this dread as it felt like his heart was about to crack. As he felt tears well up as he sat onto his bed now at the mercy of their captors. As when they were allowed to meet with the others, Samuel went out searching for Iris, as his eyes immediately landed on Tarak as he seemed to be looking after everyone and guiding others to people they know, as Tarak made his way over to Samuel and lead Samuel to Iris. Samuel tried acting tough, yet, holding Tarak's hand almost made him cry as he was afraid, afraid if Iris was oaky. Samuel saw Iris and he ran over to her and hugged her like he thought she was dead as he cried as he held her tight. Samuel felt lost without that little magic to know Iris was okay. Holding Iris Samuel thought everything would be okay. Big bro was there, Iris was alright, and the aliens treated them well. Samuel and Iris were able to play with everyone else who was here and it was genuinely pleasant, the Rau've given them books, puzzles, and toys. Yet one thing struck Samuel in the heart when they heard their people signed a treaty and left them. A flame burned, unquenched by Tarak as he wanted to get revenge against those who did this to Iris and him. They took away their bid for a normal life, and dare to leave them in the hands of the Rau've. Many took the option, as they did, Samuel thought he would be here alone with iris, after all, that would be all he needed, yet, Tarak stayed. Samuel still feels strange Tarak is with them, after all, he deserved a good life, just like the others who left. Yet, he was still happy, Iris seemed to like having more than one big brother taking care of her. Samuel was originally going to just find any and every way to fuck with the Ascendancy, yet Tarak cooled him down to chase the rumors of Moonstrike, a resistance against the Ascendancy. Samuel just hopes Iris doesn't regret following him. [/hider] [/hider] [b]Spell List:[/b] [hider=spells] [b]Gemini Link (Underworld)[/b] [hider=Gemini Link]- A passive spell that seemed to have been innate to the Matthews twins as it connects their very souls. With this deep connection, their strength and magic become more powerful the closer they are to each other. However, this same effect happens in vis versa as the farther they are away from each other the weaker they become. Every 100 feet they are away they lose half of their strength to the point of being 1/10 of the strength of physical and magical power they normally have. When they are 200 feet away from each other they are at their normal strength, as every 10 feet they are closer to each other they gain 10% extra strength of physical and magical power. This goes to the point where they are holding each other they gain Triple the strength of physical and magical power they naturally have. - This deep connection has a few detrimental parts as when one of them gets wounded the other will get an identical wound, no matter how far they are from the other. - Anytime someone is to heal one of them of their wounds, it will heal both of them. However, this is true with all things, including magics to help and hurt, poisons and medicines, and as well as anything that will affect one with some helpful or hurtful ailment.[/hider] [b]Magitech Creation (HIgh)[/b] Samuel can create Magitech and can power existing Magitech. [b]Terrakinesis (World)[/b] The control and formation of earth, stone, and dust. [b]Electromagnetism (World)[/b] The control over electromagnetic forces, such as electricity, magnetic forces, etc. [b]Light Lance (High)[/b] A large lance made of bright white energy that spans about 7 feet in length and a foot in diameter at the largest part and goes down to a small point at the end. It hits as hard as a powerful laser that burns the target and makes it where magical entities are unable to heal from it. [B]Exceptional Skill List:[/b] Exceptional Willpower, Unnatural resistance to magical mind-altering effects, and the mental fortitude to push through anything that is set before him, no matter the odds. [/hider] [/hider]