[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z6cC6JC.png[/img][/center] Alicia nodded to Aurelio as he assured her that the others would remain safe. Sadly she couldn't be in two places at once, as she certainly did not trust Justine enough to think her own people would not be used as cannon fodder. They would need to be careful. [color=aba000]"Good,"[/color] she replied with a nod before her attention returned to Justine. Her brow furrowed as she glanced at the beastmen in suits, not entirely satisfied with their simple description as 'business partners'. But that was an acceptable risk at this point. More concerning was the girl that stepped forward, who Justine called her 'canary'. She had no doubt that Justine was telling the truth, but she also had no doubt as to where these 'canaries' came from. For a moment she wanted to rise, unleash a flash of purifying light and dismiss this whole charade of the girl with her expendable brainwashed soldiers. Everything in her heart revolted against it. but then other emotions intervened. Practicality, anger. She could always restore them to their senses afterwards, if any were left. And when Justine was dealt with they would likely be restored anyways. For now it had to be accepted, though it left a bad taste in her mouth to do so. Then the meeting moved on. [color=aba000]"Thank you,"[/color] Alicia said as she took one of the mirrors and slid it into her pocket. She would need both of her hands for her bow after all. With the mission about to get underway, Alicia stood back from the table as Sonia prepared to teleport the first wave. [color=aba000]"Lady Luck is always smiling on you,"[/color] she pointed out to Sally with a grin, before looking over those present. Her gaze lingered a moment longer on Kimble, before traveling across Hyun and Aurelio. [color=aba000]"Be careful out there. Mariette won't go down without a fight, and I don't want to lose anyone else."[/color] then in the blink of an eye they were gone. Still on her feet, Alicia materialized her bow as she waited. Justine's group would be drawing Mariette's attention now, so all they could do was wait until they were confident that their opponent was firmly focused forwards on the more immediate danger. As she did so, she looked to the other Beacon members who had remained to help in the infiltration. [color=aba000]"Be ready for anything,"[/color] she warned. [color=aba000]"We don't know what we're walking into in there, and with only two entrances to that dimension the other one will likely have some defenses, even if they're minor ones."[/color] There was more that she wanted to say, but she couldn't do so while Sonia was still here. There was only so obvious she was willing to be about the imminent betrayal once this fight was over. Not that she had the opportunity to in any case, as the excitable pink girl made her presence known in almost dizzying fashion. [color=aba000]"Alicia Hayden, leader of the Penrose chapter of Beacon,"[/color] she replied, figuring it would be better for her sanity to not fall too far down the rabbit hole. She felt bad with FanFan drawing more attention, but the Ascendancy girl could handle herself. Probably. Instead she turned to Ronin, the leader of the band who would be accompanying them. [color=aba000]"So, are you also one of Justine's 'business interests'?"[/color] She looked familiar, but Alicia couldn't quite peg where she may have seen the girl before. Since her group would be taking part in the infiltration, hopefully she was aware of what she was getting herself into. [sub][@Shifter_Master][@Ariamis][@ERode][@Ponn][@PlatinumSkink][@Crusader Lord][@Majoras End][@AtomicNut][/sub]