Having caught up on the IC yesterday, I have to say I'm enjoying quite a few of the stories so far. So I just wanted to comment on what I'm enjoying and looking forward to as well as hopefully encouraging those writers and encouraging others to take the time to read some of the things they haven't. [@Sep]'s first post with Thor really got my attention because I thought the idea of Thor taking the time to answer a little girl's prayer and attend school with her was a lot of fun. The ending hook with Loki however was the icing on the cake for me. Which then leads us to his second post that he put up today. What is it that has Odin afraid? Considering the emphasis on the other pantheons in Sep's tagline, I have to wonder if there's another god gunning for Odin and Asgard. Really don't have any more of a guess than that but I'd love to find out what's going to happen. [@Hound55] returning to Blue Beetle is a return in fine form and oh how I've missed the misadventures of Ted Kord. While there are a lot of strengths among our group, Hound shines in comedic timing and dialogue. I can't think of a single post I've sat through with Kord where I don't have the dumbest grin plastered across my face and the two posts here continue that trend. Very much looking forward to more Misadventures of Blue Beetle and the addition of Booster to the cast was perfect. [@GreenGrenade] on the other side of the coin definitely provided one of the more emotionally heavy posts in this RP. I couldn't help but feel pity for the Turtle and his failing mental state while he still tried to be the intimidating supervillain he knew himself to be. Barry struggling to find something to do with the Turtle that wasn't just punching him out reminds me of the Flash Museum episode of Justice League Unlimited where Flash sits at the bar with Trickster and just talks to him for a bit. Really refreshing stuff that reminds us that the best writing doesn't necessarily need to be combat orientated. Everything I read yesterday was great but if you haven't kept up with the IC or if your time is especially limited, I highly recommend the posts belonging to the three above. I'll definitely be commenting more as we continue to keep this moving. Looking forward to seeing everyone's stories unfold and watching the world come together so I hope everyone enjoys my contributions as well. Happy writing!