Miles felt some relief rush over him when she was at least about to confirm he wasn't alone. This was such an abrupt reassignment, but Michael seemed very adamant it be him for some reason. He wasn't sure if that was good or bad. He could feel the sigh of relief come out and he gave a nervous chuckle. "Sorry, it's good to know. What little I've heard about this place, I almost expected to be either the only one or one of few. Just nice to know I'm not actually alone." he said. It was times like this he missed Dawn. She had assignments if her own though. Her question made him sigh. "I've been away from Heaven before, but it's been a long time. About 300 years. If you teach coexistence, I'm sure you know all about the factions, after my last assignment I was put on duty in Heaven strictly. I actually requested to class because it might help me catch up to modern times." he admitted, and he gave her a slight smile. "You shouldn't have to worry about that." He made a face, "In all honesty with the way things have been, if I 'corrupted' it wouldn't be because of something like this. It would be because of the current state of things up there." He pointed up and shook his head. "But shouldn't really talk about that either." "I do have one other question because I know I will probably need a tutor for at least one of these classes. Is there a succinct tutor list or is it easier to get with the teachers of each class for that?" he asked her. -- Clary raised a brow at Heather's statement about the fae being drama queens. She didn't know, but she could tell there was some level of bitterness there. It didn't take long for Clary to be distracted with Ryan coming back, and once they got stretched out, they started running laps. Clary couldn't help her excitement, but when she looked around to see where Logan was, she saw he was nowhere. That made her pout a bit. Seeing as Ryan just got back, she was going to hang out with her tonight for a little bit and wanted to tell him so he wouldn't worry about where she was. It wasn't long before she saw Heather and her partner running laps. "Let's run with them!" Ryan chuckled. "Alright." she said, and she slowed down with Clary so they could. "Hi!" Clary smiled. "I'm Clary!" Ryan smiled and chuckled. "Clar, be careful. We don't want to have to have Long go get Professor Morgan to get you out of the floor again." She waved to Heather's partner too. "I'm Ryan. Nice to meet you." Clary gave a nervous chuckle. "Good point." she then looked to Heather. "I figured since we're all running laps, we could all run together!" Ryan smiled. "Just be careful, she sometimes gets too hyper and will start phasing through things without realizing it." -- Maggie smiled when Willow told her her name. "Your name is very pretty." She could see that Willow was about to answer her before Joe came over and scared her a bit. The exchange was short, but she watched as Joe walked over to his partner. She turned back to Willow and chuckled. "Thanks. We constantly do stuff like that to each other. Joe's been one of my best friends since I started here, and he has gotten very good at sneaking up on me and scaring me like that." she said. She nodded and smiled a bit. "I won't lie, I'm not that good with the whole sparring thing, but Randa says its a good way for me to work on my self-defense stuff. Plus, we usually just end up goofing off anyway." When they got over to the mats, she saw that Willow was talking to the girl that Billie and Randa had been talking to. Maggie waved a little when Willow referred to her as her new friend. "Hi. I'm Maggie." "I'm surprised you're over here, Mags." Randa said, "But glad you are." "Between you and dad getting onto me about the self-defense stuff, I think I should." Maggie motioned between Randa and Billie. "Plus you two get onto me too, and so does Erin." Randa shrugged a bit. "Has to be learned, Mags." Maggie rolled her eyes and looked to Willow. "Wanna stretch first?" -- Colten chuckled a little. "I've been doing bodybuilding stuff my whole life. Keeps me out of trouble most of the time." he said. He and Kajun had this long going thing over this whole thing, and he could only even roll his eyes anymore. It was funny though. At least he hadn't brought up the bear thing this time. Hearing Kajun purr just made him smile a little, the girl was pretty. He sighed a bit and nearly jumped out of his skin when Randa came over. He did have to say he was thankful though. Beatrice had been trying for a while now to get in bed with him, and he didn't want that level of crazy right now. He'd have to say thank you to Randa later for it. Once Long blew the whistle and everyone left, he looked to Kajun and Zach. "Sorry about Randa. She was just helping me out a little." he said. He got up and added some more weight to the bar before he saw another girl walking over to Ezria and Cole. Looked like they would be doing weight training too, which didn't surprise him with Cole being in the group. She enjoyed the weight training from what Drake had said. He shook his head a little and noticed Devin leaving Long's office, but he went to lifting his weights. He had a lot of problems with him, and last year, had he not been trying to keep Randa from killing him, he might have. He shook his head a little and looked to Kajun. He saw the frown on his face, but he had only ever seen the girl with Cole in passing. It wasn't until he noticed that the girl Devin had been bugging was with them that it bothered him. The last thing Drake would need to worry about was Devin trying something with Cole, but then again, if that was in fact Ez, he hoped Devin wouldn't be stupid enough to go near them. Because Drake was bad about things when he was mad. Colten laid back on the bench and started going again, barely realizing the amount of weight he had added until a slight burn came to his muscles. -- Cole and Ezria broke away from the group of girls, still trying to decide what to do. "I feel like weight training would be best. Running is not good for me, and I don't like the whole sparring thing." Cole said, and Ezria nodded. "Works for me, where do you want to start? I personally need to work on my core." she said, patting her stomach a little before the brunette girl came over. Ez had noticed Devin had been bugging her before she walked over, and she waved to her. "Sure, Brooke. We're doing weight training." she said, "Brooke this is Ezria, Ez, this is Brooke." Ez smiled, "Nice to meet you. Come on, let's get to work." she said, and Cole looked to Brooke as they headed over towards the exercise bikes. "You good, man? Your eyes are doing that squinty thing like when you have a headache. I can try and take the edge off if you want." she said, "Helps Sal sometimes, but his visions have been getting longer and more intense here lately so it doesn't help as much as it used to." Cole saw Ez grabbing a couple of smaller weights so she could use them while she used the bike, and she looked to Brooke. "Is he already giving you problems?" she asked, her eyes looking over to Devin. When Brooke answered her, she sighed and shook her head. "He gets dumber every year, I swear." Cole scanned the area around them. The one benching closest to them was Colten, and Ez was right there. Sal and Drake were working the squat machines behind them. That should deter him from coming over here, but Cole also knew how stupid Devin was. Maybe not first hand, but she had heard all about it. -- Randa couldn't help the laugh when Tiffany called Devin a tick. "That is the most accurate description I've heard for him yet. A small, blood-sucking pest." she said. Billie chuckled and nodded. "Very accurate." she said, and when Tiffany's partner spoke she chuckled. "Yeah, we tend to go kind of easy on each other. Unless we're like in the middle of a fight. Then we beat the piss out of each other, but it's too early in the year for us to be in the middle of a fight like that." Billie said, pointing between her and Randa. They both sort of laughed, but Billie looked to Tiffany when she said she wanted to talk to her at lunch. The request was an easy one and Billie nodded. "Of course. I don't want anyone getting hurt over this retarded ass feud, but you know," her eyes trailed over to where Jackie was. "The dumbass 'leader' won't adhere to reason." she said. "I'll do my best to keep an eye on her." "I got her back too." Randa said, and Billie looked to her. "You can't be everywhere B, plus, most of the vampires aren't actually stupid enough to start shit with me. But [i]most[/i] is the main word." she said, and her eyes caught Devin. "Others of them are too stupid not to not lay low. Like sir ball-less over there." Maggie giggled when she heard them talking. "Should have seen how bad she pissed him off in History." Billie gave Randa a look and she shrugged. "What? I only passed a note to him asking him if he needed nuts to replace his. That Glenn might have some, but they'd be a little big for him." Billie laughed. "You're terrible." Randa shrugged, "I mean it's true. Pretty sure all of the girls in this school have more nuts than he does." She shook her head when Billie just laughed harder. "Help me stretch out some more before we start sparring please."