Please have a look at Domain and Portfolio. I've got an imagine in mind, but I would welcome early feedback to make them work properly. [hider=Droka] Name: Droka Primordial or Conceptual: Conceptual Domain: Crafting. The art of creation is not an uncommon trait among the divine. In another reality, Droka might have been content just to be the god of blacksmiths and build up his power and prestige from there but... a weird quirk of the lifeblood he was born from has given him a different obsession then that of the physical craft. However, despite his obsession with stories of all kinds, he is still at his core a god of crafting. His obsession has altered him in that rather then focusing on a single field and mastering it like say... metalworking, he instead branched out into dozens of different fields of crafting. While metalworking remains a stock standard, depending on his mood, circumstances and his somewhat fickle tastes when it comes to his obsessions he will actively be working at creating other crafts via vastly different methods then that of the blacksmith. Portfolio: Metal. Considering the kind of personality and passions that Droka has, one could easily be mistaken into believing that he is some kind of god of wisdom or knowledge... but at his core, he is a god of metal. Shaping it, creating it, summoning it from the dark depths of dirt and ocean alike if required is as natural to him as breathing. Restoring metal to its pristine glory or causing it to rust and rot away. That is however just scratching the surface. To work with metal requires a deep understanding of the materials you are working with. How to prepare it, what uses it has, what other materials you can mix with it to develop brand new metals and alloys and what [i]they're[/i] good for. Understanding how much damage, pressure and strain each type of metal can take and how different forging methods can alter the answer to that question. Droka knows the secrets of metal... and he's painfully aware of how little the mortal races of the world truly understands of them. In time, that will change. Their Realm: Droka's Grand Library Droka's realm is deceptively simple. It's appearance is that of a rather homely, if somewhat larger then normal personal library. It's humble looking appearance is actually rather deceiving in that it is a lot larger then it's appearance would suggest. Within Droka's Library is every story the world has ever known, updated in real time. Stories that are in progress are actively writing themselves here. The label of 'story' is also somewhat broader then people might believe. Myths, Legends, fictional tales, history, the personal life stories of those who walk the mortal realm... even some plants and animals that have lived interesting lives and more can be found within the Droka's Grand Library. Hidden among the shelves of countless books, scrolls, stone slabs and clay tablets are a series of rooms kept separate from the main Library. These rooms play host to Droka's many workshops. Each workshop is dedicated to a different craft, through the working of metal and the creation of jewellery tends to be the favored arts practiced. More obscure workshops can be found by those able to seek them through and occasionally Droka feels like doing a bit of pottery or working leather and cloth. More workshops will likely be added and possibly lost over time. Persona: Droka is something of an indifferent god as far as mortals are concerned. While he enjoys the stories that arise from mortals in general, he isn't inclined towards stepping in to fix their problems or ease their suffering because that would make for a boring story. While it is true that he might end up assisting the Mortals via the creation of an artifact or blessing a champion among them to rise to the occasion and combat their woes, he is just as inclined to offer the forces of darkness and suffering some artifacts and blessings of their own to make use of because the greater the opposition to the forces of good are, the grander the tale of its defeat. This doesn't mean that Droka is uncaring through. Individuals that catch his attention will keep it for better or worse and in truth he can grow quite attached to them. In truth, how and why a Mortal earns Droka's attention in the first place can seem rather fickle and honestly Droka wouldn't deny that. He's not entirely sure himself why some deeds appeal to him while others just don't draw his gaze at a given moment and he is prone to introspection of his motivations at times because of this. Droka adores working with other gods because the presence of divinity tends to make the stories about to be created have a flair that they normally wouldn't, but his insistence that they don't get to heavily involved with the situation at times can rub his fellow deities the wrong way. Base Form: [img][/img] Droka's base form is that of an elder looking male of whatever given mortal race he happens to be interacting with at the given time, though in mixed company he seems to favor a human form. While baring white hair, the wrinkles of age and often a walking stick, in truth there is a youthful energy to him the flies in the face of his apparent age. His apparent 'weakness' is cosmetic only. Domain Form: [img][/img] In his domain, Droka abandons the human guise, instead favoring that of a large, regal looking gold dragon instead. Avatar: The Legendary Craftsman. This Avatar of Droka has many Mortal names and faces, but some things remain consistant. Regardless of whatever mortal race they happen to have taken to form of at the time, the Craftsman appears as an older member of that race, but having only just started to leave their physical prime. Still physically stout from a lifetime of pursuing their craft, their eyes bare the wisdom of experience. The exact craft of the Legendary Craftsman changes as easily as their name or face, but whenever someone worthy of one of their works comes to call in order to seek help to obtain their destiny, the Craftsman will provide something that will be vital for the story to come. As an Avatar of Droka, the Legendary Craftsman calls out to those either with an air of destiny to them or who happen to be seeking a destiny to call their own like a beacon. Regardless of where the Craftsman sets themselves up, Mortals far and wide will spread rumors and stories of a Craftsman of legendary skill being there... even if the Craftsman hasn't interacted with Mortals at all. After all, if it's easy to get to a craftsman of legendary skill, are they really a legendary craftsman? Musical Theme: Droka's got a few. [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider]