[hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/sjpVOIa.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PJoe9Sw.png[/img][/center] [hr] Maya was beyond pissed. She’d been angry before, but that Penny bitch had the gall to tell her that she had no right to go for Kimberley. Oh, how dare she want to go after the person who had tried to fucking kill her. It didn’t even register with her exactly who was defending her, because for once her anger wasn’t directed at Emily at all. She was glad that someone saw what she did. [color=FireBrick]“Fuck off with your bullshit about being better than us! She didn’t just put the gun to my head she pulled the fucking trigger. [i]I. Could. Be. Dead.[/i] So piss off, I’ll show you what I can- FUCK!”[/color] Maya had been close to just blasting Penny, completely thrown off by the sudden swarm of birds in between them all. She waved her hands as if that would help getting supernatural birds away, lips twisting further downwards (impossibly so). [quote=Helena]"Alright everyone, calm down here! This is not helping."[/quote] [color=FireBrick]“Who are you to tell me to calm down?” [/color]Maya snapped, hands clenched into fists at her side. It was so hard not letting herself redirect it all at the agent… the only thing stopping her was the knowledge that if she attacked even one of them, their boss bitch would end her life. [color=FireBrick]“Yeah, I have an objection. First of all, what the fuck are you all even doing here. Not that I ain’t delighted to see some of you, but really, what are you doing here?”[/color] [color=FireBrick]“Second, when have you ever done any shit that’s helped us? They’re going to handle Kimberley? Alright, I’m sure they will, because you don’t already have [i]so[/i] much shit on your plate that you’re handling [i]just great.[/i]”[/color] She didn’t care how disrespectful she was being, the fact she was talking to someone who was technically a federal agent… Being told what to do rubbed her the wrong way, especially when she was already incredibly angry. She was in no mood to be told to back down. [hr] Isla stared at the ground, feeling numb. She wasn’t quite sure how to process this. This was the second time that someone she’d just met, someone that tried to help her and others, had died. The other had been much brutal, sure, but this one she maybe could have prevented. Maybe. She heard a sob from beside her, slowly turning her aching eyes to look at Mariah. She wasn’t taking it well. Who was? The others were shouting, a noise that crashed against her aching head, and she had no doubt that it was over this even if she couldn’t quite pay attention. She wasn’t sure what to do, not really, so she cautiously raised a hand to pat Mariah’s shoulder. Was that comforting? She didn’t know, but it was all a bit shit, and it was the best she could offer.