Silver chugged back and forth in the sea, as Cat leant back, supporting herself with her arms behind her, and stretching out her legs. She toed the sand with the tips of her cloven hooves, wiggling them and smiling at the sensation as she listened to Max. She gave a slow nod in agreement with the lion's observation. "Aye, I thought-" she cut off as a spasm of coughing caught her mid-sentence and her voice turned more raspy. She held it for a moment before trying again, grimacing briefly as she touched her throat where the shemagh-style scarf covered it, keeping it on even with her BDU shirt removed. "I thought I was done for myself." she said with a thoughtful air. "But no, glad tae be still here and bein' a big hoofin' nusiance to all of ye wherever I can," she grinned sidelong at the lion and chuckled softly at the thought. "My brother came to visit me when I was in the hospital recovering, and the cheeky bastard said the only reason he reckoned I didna die is because I'm too bloody stubborn to go. Or like you said," she said with another lopsided smile across her broad, squarish muzzle. "I'm sick of seein' the other wankers gettin' it wrong all the time and need ta shown 'em all how it's done proper like". She tilted her head back and looked up at the sky again; her long red hair, pulled back in her characteristic braid swayed a little in the breeze. The grey uniform T-shirt clung to her far-more-than-ample curves, emphasising how big she was in all dimensions; the cow wasn't thin, nor petite, but her carefree and confident demeanour matched up well with how well the bovine wore her weight - and size. She looked back to Max after a moment, looking down as she curled one of her thick, powerful arms and gave a small smile. "I'm near back to fightin' fit," she commented. "Before too long, I'll be back on the front line wi' the rest of you, and then I'll really get tae showin' yeh how it's done all right". She looked back out to the water and her long ears flicked in amusement, piercings gleaming in the sunshine. "Look at the boss go," she said with a smirk. "D'you think he got an outboard motor fitted when they put that arm on?"