[center][h1][b][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY0NjIwNi5TR1Z5YVdzZ1EyeGxkR2x6LjA,/california-street.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1][/center] Lyss brought them some time when she forced Luis and Babylon into the wall. That's good enough for him. He helped her onto Asta's back, pulling her up with her good arm and kept a good hold on her so she didn't fall off, then they backed away from the fight. Penny was ready to keep going, but they didn't have to. The Dollhouse were covered in a blue mist, then they disappeared. Crisis averted. Or so he thought. They were all in the parking lot with the DENS agents. He's ripped a part of his shirt to wrap around Lyss's shoulder, hoping that'd stop the bleed until they were able to get to the hosptial. He's just tied the knot when Helena told them Claudette didn't make it. Claudette didn't...what? His head swam and suddenly everything was spinning. He clumsily climbed off Asta's back, paid barely any mind to his leg, and collapsed on the ground. This couldn't be happening. Not another sister. Not the one person that was actually leading them in the right direction. The one person he had faith in not to get them all killed, to actually take care of them. He sobbed loud and hard. He couldn't remember the last time he'd spoken to Claudette without all the usual drama between members. If he hadn't just stood there when she got shot. If he'd done something maybe she's still be alive. Rationally he knew there was nothing he could do for bullet wounds, but his rationality could take a backseat, because nothing made sense anymore. He couldn't hear all the arguing going on around him over his tears. If he hadn't suggested that Kimberly help them they wouldn't be in this mess. His, Vashti's, nor Emily's problems were solved, their sister was dead, and the person that got away with it was no where to be found. He hoped the Coven didn't hate him for this. He's responsible for bringing her into their lives, which makes him indirectly responsible for Claudette being dead. And now Kimberly was off in the wind and...Oh no. They left her with Vashti. He puts a lot of stoke in Leviathan keeping her alive, but if she had her guard down then it wouldn't been easy to take her out. He rubbed at his tears, while taking out his phone. He dialed Vashti's number, hoping she'd pick up, that she was safe, that another member didn't end up dead.