[centre][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/573159812259512322/763375230713331722/resize.png[/img][/centre] [centre][sup][url=https://www.deviantart.com/h0stilekid/art/Escape-from-Planet-Spike-538223762]Escape from Planet Spike - H0stileKid[/url][/sup][/centre] [centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201007/239a0a70a65195e699d17dd498959464.png[/img][/centre] [sup][b]Expressions of Interest Only.[/b][/sup] [sup]A Mass Effect Roleplay with a Horror Twist. [b]2184CE[/b] [i]Location: Milky Way / Exodus Cluster / Asgard System / Loki[/i] - You have enlisted to join a freelance Asari captain on her ship, the Caelestis, to investigate a distress signal. - You and a small group are travelling towards the strange planet, when things begin to run afoul... - You may suspect that something is wrong, and you may try to convince the Captain to turn the ship around... - Maybe you are the kind of person who will run toward the danger... [right][b]- Whoever you are, you must fight to keep your wits about you and survive.[/b][/right] [/sup] Welcome to Caelestis! To a project I hope will become fruitful! I'm looking at gauging interest for this. It will be a small-group horror based roleplay ('tis the season, afterall.) I have a plot in mind that is simple, and leaves so much space for character development, nuanced moments, and massive scares. If I go ahead with this, I'll most likely be taking on a group of 5-6 max, and it will be by no means a first-come, first-served selection. I'm not in any particular hurry to roll this out, I just had the concept in mind and really wanted to see what level of interest I would get. [b]Please note:[/b] This is advanced, so I would be expecting advanced quality posts and applications. Feel free to ask you questions, express your interest, or make any suggestions! Thanks!