The thought of going back to [i]that man[/i] and his farm didn't exactly excite Druid Girl. She had not found the farmer partcularly pleasant nor accomodating during their trip with him, but now wasn't the time to bring up and argue petty matters like personal dislikes. Sleeping in a barn was probably safer than sleeping outdoors, close to a former goblin nest... Though one was far more susceptible to burning than the other... Suddenly however, a piece of fabric came flying through the air and landed over Druid Girl's head. A short-lived moment of panic and confusion entailed, before the girl calmed down at hearing her nomad friend's words. Realizing her allies might not be too fond of one of their own struttijng around in her underwear, the Druid took the hint and slipped the horse-smelling dress on... Well, as best she could anyway, truth be told it was a bit snug and very tight over the chest... But she decided not to mention this, as she didn't want to seem ungrateful when a kind gesure was shown. The trek back through the cave and up to the outside was uneventful and solemn. The druid wanted to have helped pull one of the dead along with them, but honestly, pulling a fully limp body was a lot harder and more weighty then one might actually imagine. Loathe as she was to admit it, it'd probably just be faster if Big Red went back inside and nabbed the remaining deceased by himself, rather than she and Steppe Archer trying to pull or carry one each. The outside was, as one could imagine, dark and foreboding. A few stars dotted the sky, but the moons hadn't quite xlimbed too high as of yet. The dead goblins were all still there, near the entrance, lying in puddles of their own blood. It seemed nobody had come to disturb things while they were down in the tunnels, which was a relief. Making a clicking noise with her tongue, the little pixie came rushing over to the druid's side, circiling over her head a few times before landing in the girl's palm. Druid Girl said something quietly and the pixie saluted, taking off at high speed towards the treeline. Following not far behind, the druid began to gather and pick up dried branches and sticks, along with a few rocks and stones. She returned soon to the area just outside the cave's mouth, and set to work building a samll campfire, using one of the daggers she had grabbed before leaving the cave to make sparks. Once the fire was lit, she lay the remaining weapons - the hatchets and two knives, down on the ground and walked over to Big Red. "Put her down over there, on the patch of dry dirt near the fire. I'll look after her while you go get the others." She said, looking over the brutalized red-haired girl in the lizard's arms. She then turned to Steppe Archer. "Hey, could you do me a favor? Can you go with the pixie and look for some [i]Pipini Herbs[/i]? The milk from their stems and their leaves can be used to heal wounds." The carammel-skinned girl requested, not before adding a description of the flower, of course. Apparently, Pipini herb was a sort of flower that grew near large rocks or boulders, with jagged-edged saw-like leaves and two small, red flowers at the very top. They could be found in almost any forest all throughout spring and summer. It was also one of the ingredients used in low-level healing potions... Of course, Druid Girl wasn't an alchemist, so her brewing some kind of recovery elixir was out of the question, but she could at least use the plant for some first aid. "Oh, and there's no need to rip up your dress." She added before long. "Her wounds aren't bleeding bad enough and, well, I'd need a pot to boil the strips of cloth in to make them safe for wound-covering anyway." The girl explained. After all, using non-disinfected rags as bandages were just as likely to cause further issues as they were to actually doa ny good. The little pixie zipped on over and spiralled around the nomad excitedly, landing on the lion-maned girl's shoulder and waving its arms energetically, apparently ready to go whenever.