[hr][hr][center][h1][/h1][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/504122082729132034/755938119252967504/HoO_Waverley_Square_2.png[/img][hr] [color=A020F0][b]Location:[/b][/color] On the Trail [color=A020F0][b]Skills:[/b][/color] [/center][hr][hr] [color=A020F0]"Right...Training..."[/color] Waverley mumbled, followed by a nervous chuckle. While she was better trained in fighting than the average civilian, she was nowhere near as combatively skilled as the others in their little posse, or even most Camp Jupiter campers. She didn't consider herself a pacifist, but she never really liked fighting, which might come as a surprise for a girl whose head had been crammed full of fantasy stories growing up. It was why a baton swung from her hip in place of a sword. So, needless to say, she visibly cringed when Nancy painted the visceral image in her mind of blowing up the Pit Scorpion. [color=A020F0]"Yeah, let's just hope it doesn't come down to that,"[/color] she said, her face still twisted up in light disgust. The screwed up eyebrows popped up in surprise, however, when Niah suddenly took to the skies from beside her, and she flinched away a little. Despite being ten months into her stay at Camp Jupiter, she still hadn't quite adjusted to all the weird supernatural stuff her fellow campers could do. She squinted up at the sky, watching the oathbinder sail up the mountain through the air. As soon as she got back, Waverley beamed up at her. [color=A020F0]"Dude, you've gotta let me try that armor sometime! I've always wanted to know what flying would feel like,"[/color] she exclaimed, though her excitement was dampened by Niah's explanation of what she saw. [color=A020F0]"Smoke? How much? Like, campfire smoke, or forest fire smoke?"[/color]