[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/FJYzzPN.png[/img] [h1][color=bc8dbf]Yukari Yozakura[/color][/h1][/center] A new day, a new Yukari! This time Yukari doesn’t intend to embarrass herself, even making sure to carefully walk around the school and remember the layout, down to where poles and pillars are. Her first few classes were boring but fortunately Yukari received a digital recorder so she can have the teacher’s lectures on hand for study, since she can’t read or take notes. The hardest classes for Yukari was math since she had no references for how certain symbols looked or function but she was doing her best! As the day went by it was time for the final class, Hero Studies. Yukari has been saving all of her energy for this class to hearing that today would be a practical lesson made Yukari really excited. [color=bc8dbf]”Yay! I won’t disappoint you! But Mako-Sensei, what exactly will the villain team be doing?”[/color] After Yukari gets her answer she changes out to her gym clothes once more and meets up with the others at the Cityscape training grounds. She remembered passing it once but hasn’t explored it yet. Once Yukari met up with her team she started stretching. It was always important to limber up. And while everyone else might’ve been thinking about how to work together, Yukari planned to go solo for a bit. It’s not that she doesn’t think the others will slow her down, but Yukari felt the need to prove herself without relying on the others to back her up. Her pride might end up being her downfall but she’s rather try and fail on her own than fail others who were relying on her. [color=bc8dbf]”Yosh! Show time!”[/color]