Walking close to the young one Dorian keeps his eyes scanning the people moving about in the early evening hours. He casts his senses about, seeking out more of their kind should there be any. [i]'If his sire is still in town, that would make my job much easier'[/i] Weaving this way and that, the scent of humans makes his nose tingle. Finally he lets out a sigh. [i]'There are no more like us in town. His sire must have moved on after making him on the ship'[/i] His body shivers lightly. [i]'After the little one feeding off of me the other day I seem to be rather hungry tonight. We may need two humans'[/i] Suddenly the boy moves in closer and hisses his selection into Dorian's ear. His gaze travels across the square to the one James indicates with his hungry gaze. [i]'I see'[/i] He takes a long whiff, drawing in the man's scent. [i]'He is young, this should not be too difficult. I just need to keep James from killing him and he should sleep this off tomorrow like a bad hangover'[/i] Turning his head he whispers to the boy, “Just remain quiet and close. That young man is a good choice, he smells quite tasty.” Slipping his hand from the boy's shoulder to his waist he takes a firm but gentle grip before moving towards the young man. A smile finds it's way to his lips as the man snuffs out the fire from the wick of his lighting stick as they walk up. [i]'Seems he is finished for the day. That is good, it will make things easier'[/i] The young man, his dark brown hair gleaming with hair oils in the flickering firelight of the lamp, collapses his stick and turns towards the two as they approach. He stops short, obviously having not noticed them before his moment. Before he can say anything Dorian purrs out, “Hello there young man. I was wondering if you had a moment to spare.” As the last few words leave his lips the brunet seems to relax. His questioning gaze goes a little soft and he smiles faintly. “Um, yeah. I mean yes sir, my work is done, so I have some time. What do you need?” His voice is a little faint and Dorian can't help but mentally patting himself on the back. [i]'It seems I still have it. This level of charm takes practice and I have not used it in some time'[/i] His smile widens. Mapping the town out in his mind he picks a building on the other side of town. “I am sorry, we are new around here, and I was wondering if you could show us to the fishery.” The young man nods with a smile and goes to move past them. Reaching out he touches the boy's arm gently. Locking his gaze with the human he murmurs softly, “We must get their quickly, so if you know any back ways?” The guy smiles back with a nod and begins heading off towards the middle of town. Leaning his head towards James as they begin following he whispers softly, “We need to get him somewhere away from prying eyes. Most of the time I hunt in inns or even get myself invited into the human's home, however for tonight, I will be more expedient for you.” It does not take long before they are lead into a dark narrow alley. After a quick check with all of his senses so make sure no one is about he whispers “Stay put for a moment.” before releasing James from his grip and sliding up next to their guide. Pressing his hand to the young man's lower back he smiles as the brunet jumps and whips around to look at Dorian. The vampire stalks closer, a smooth smile on his lips as he backs him towards the wall of the alley slowly. “Um, sir? Is something? I, uh. . . .” He stutters slightly until his back makes contact with the cool stone wall and he freezes. “Sir, I, um, I don't know wha. .. “ His voice trails off and his eyes droop as Dorian slides in close. The charm is coming off of him in waves and he can feel the young man shudder beneath his fingers as he reaches up to grip his chin gently. His smile becomes a little hungry at the sound of blood rushing through his system, the pink tinge on his cheeks ending a rush through his own chest. [i]'He is mine'[/i] His tongue darts out as he presses flush against the younger male to trail across his chin to his jaw. Words fail the boy and his body grows warm under the elder's touch. Trailing his tongue down a little further he at last stops over a spot on his throat. [i]'If I were to bite here, he would bleed out in minutes. However, we do not want that. I will explain this to the little one later, but for now. . .'[/i] Shifting his lips a little further down he opens his mouth a bit wider and gleaming fangs slip out for the bite. The razor sharp canines slip into the young man's skin like a hot knife through butter. As the first splashes of blood trickle down his throat Dorian grins at the moan of pleasure that comes from his prey. [i]'This venom should keep him still for now. I should let James feed before he explodes'[/i] Leaning back he laps at the few small drops still clinging to his lips as he turns to James. Motioning him forward he steps away slightly so the newborn can take his place. Before he can bite though he gives him a warning. “Bite where I bit. Any higher and I will have to stop you. We do not want it to die. I know that spot is very tempting, but you must learn to discipline your feeding habits.”