[quote=@Lord Wraith] In the spirit of OOC discussion, I'm curious: How many of you are schemers and how many of you write by the seat of your pants? That is to say, when you sit down to write a post, are you following an outline? Or do you just wait for the words to come to you and write the first thing that comes to mind?[/quote] I'm a little of both, but most of the time, I just write whatever comes into my head and fix until it makes sense. Like, I have a bookmark folder for my characters filled with wikis and inspirations. And I also try to listen to songs that match pretty well with my characters so I get into the groove of things. As for an outline, there is one. But, it is really rough. Anyway, I'm still here. Just working on the collab with Zoey. I'm also planning of taking US Agent with me to use for the Misfits, which is why I haven't started writing them yet.