A few moments passed and Listener felt nothing. Then it hit her like a bolt of lightning. The new influx of noise was a new experience that she could not describe. She heard the whispers and they sent chills down her spine. She could not make sense of them, but there was no way she would forget them and how they sounded. Then the revving of the engine tore into her eardrums, and she yelped in pain. It was much like the noise that Archer made, although in hindsight she was amazed that she didn't yelp in pain then. What on earth had Archer said? What was that whispering? What did she take? [color=pink]"Uuuuu... I regret taking that. Ow."[/color] Listener covered her ears as her own voice was too loud for her to handle. She wished she could wipe away the several tears of pain now rolling down her face. [color=pink]"It's okay... I'll get used to it. It can't be permanent. It'll stop. I'll be able to see again."[/color] Even while covering her ears the sound of her voice echoing in her head was almost too much. Listener decided it would be a good idea for her to just stop talking for a while. She knew just how difficult a task this would be... she hated the silent game. Her next question though was what was she going to do next? She hated doing nothing. She couldn't do much all alone though, even with her freshly enhanced senses. She decided to wait for now as she paid attention to Fluke. Considering his track record, he probably would not be interested in babysitting her, and that was fine by her, but she hoped he would at least hang around long enough for her eyesight to recover. She could already see shapes and blurs. Only a few more minutes and her sight would be back, right? After that her only concern would be how long would this... senses enhancer would last. After some thought, Listener decided to make her way to Cedar and Iris. The energy she had coursing through her veins would not let her stand there and wait. She held back the urge to ramble about how she felt still worried about the consequences of talking out loud. Staying silent with her own thoughts would definitely become too much of a challenge for her, she knew that much. Thanks to Cedar's voice and the continual talking it was not all that hard to her to find her way to them. [color=pink]"Hey,"[/color] Listener alerted them as she approached wincing at her own voice. [color=pink]"I, uh, I have like super hearing. Ow. I, ow, I hope I can be, like, helpful to you guys. I don't think Fluke is going to be all that nice to me as much as I'm nice to him. Ow. I think my eyesight might come back. Ow. It has slowly been getting better."[/color] She winced again before whispering. [color=pink]"Slowly."[/color]