[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/FKJKRczH/the-gifted-591b350cc9ba7.png[/img][/center][hr][center][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@Achronum][@Trainerblue192][@KazAlkemi][@Framing A Moose][@Kirah][/center][hr][hr][center][color=f7941d][b]February 17th, 2021 - 10:00 AM[/b][/color][/center][hr][hider=M-Pox - Check This Hider Each Time!]Mutant Underground: [list][*]Casper - mild symptoms [*]Spark Plug - [color=f7941d]moderate symptoms [/color] [*]Jack - mild symptoms [*]Max - severe symptoms (-)(+) [*]Glimpse - [color=f7941d]severe symptoms[/color] [/list] Hellfire Club/Misc.: [list][*]Emma Frost - [color=f7941d]severe symptoms[/color] [*]Vulcan - [i]cured[/i] [*]Legion - [color=f7941d]moderate symptoms[/color] [*]Morgan - mild symptoms [*]Toad - moderate symptoms[/list] Mild Symptoms: Headache, some splotchiness of the skin, fatigue and exhaustion Moderate Symptoms: Difficulty breathing, dizziness, vomiting, blood shot eyes, prominent veins Severe Symptoms: Vomiting blood, trouble walking, bleeding from the ears, extreme skin discoloration, general looniness So far, only two individuals have "cured" themselves from M-Pox. The first was S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Cassandra Reed. The second was Gabriel Summers A.K.A. Vulcan. [/hider] [color=f7941d][b]Outside the Mutant Underground HQ - [/b][/color] None of the Brotherhood seemed to really care that Toad had been knocked out. Avalanche kicked at the ground in front of him, creating a chasm that shot towards Andy. Andy would be able to nimbly jump out of the way just in time, but the ground was shaking around her more and more excessively. "You're pretty good... for a girl," Avalanche commented. Magneto called his helmet back to him, the strange metal fitting snugly around his head. It protected him from telepaths, namely his nemesis and friend, Professor X. [color=FF5733]"You kidnapped my daughter. Why would I leave her with her captors? You are too blind to see it, I'm afraid. We are not the villains here. [i]You are[/i]."[/color] He then sent a hail of metallic shards down at the Mutant Underground members. Andy got some minor scrapes. Sapphire, Glimpse, and James were missed entirely, Kris got a nasty gash in the stomach. Echo took the worst of it - one of the metal shards hit him in the back perfectly and sent him toppling to the ground. He wouldn't be able to feel his legs. "Oi, you okay there mate?" Pyro shouted at Echo. "Maybe you ought to take a lie down or something." He then flicked on his lighter and shaped a serpent out of the flames, smirking slightly before sending it shooting at Kristina. The flaming snake wrapped around her and began to squeeze. The well dressed gentleman, Mastermind, set his sights on Sapphire. His eyes twinkled as he invaded her mind, trapping her inside a vision of her own worst nightmare. To Sapphire, it would look like there were heavy steel walls pushing in towards her, like the trash compactor in Star Wars. She wouldn't be able to hear or see anyone else. She wouldn't know it wasn't real. [color=5997A9]"Which one of you idiots wants to fight?"[/color] Mystique asked, drawing two pistols. She didn't wait for anyone to answer. She fired off four bullets in rapid succession at James. Two of them missed, two of them hit - but his skin had hardened just in time and the bullets fell to the ground harmlessly. [color=FF5733]"I don't suppose you'll put up much of a fight,"[/color] Magneto said, peering at Glimpse. He glided through the air, heading towards the entrance so he could go inside and retrieve Polaris. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=DBA1DE]Casper Theriot[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/KvRwSCJZ/image.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=DBA1DE]Location:[/color][/b] Mutant Underground: Entranceway [b][color=DBA1DE]Skills:[/color][/b] Mediumship[hr][/center] Havok carried Polaris down the stairs, heading into the entranceway. The others had already gone on up to the surface, leaving Zarina, Casper, Havok, and Polaris inside the Mutant Underground. Havok hesitated for a moment, trying to decide whether or not he could trust his girlfriend with Casper and the green haired kid. The earthquake had stopped at the very least and the entranceway seemed to be holding up. The ceiling wouldn't collapse on her in here and Havok couldn't stay with her - he was, in his opinion, the best fighter present. He had to go handle Magneto. [color=FAFD95]"Don't fight with spoons, that's just dumb,"[/color] Havok interrupted, answering Zarina's question before Casper could. [color=FAFD95]"Look, can you two handle watching Polaris and keep her safe? Shouldn't be much to do, but you know, just in case Magneto sends one of his goons down here. You're not high, right, Casper?"[/color] [i]"Uh, she looks like she was drugged, Cas,"[/i] Ben commented. He had materialized next to Havok and Polaris, tilting his ghostly head as he tried to listen for Polaris' breathing. [color=DBA1DE]"You're right, Bennie Ben Ben,"[/color] Casper said, frowning at Havok. [color=DBA1DE]"You know that you can't just go around drugging people, right? It's illegal and definitely not chill. I didn't want to do this, but I've decided to vibe check your relationship and.... yiiiikes. It's got worse vibes than a Chipotle during flu season. You need to do a sexual harassment training or something. Do we have HR here? If so, go see HR before you get fired for being a creep. Oh and yes, I'm sober, thanks for asking."[/color] Havok groaned. [color=FAFD95]"Why does anyone bother asking you to do anything?"[/color] [color=DBA1DE]"Are you contractually obligated to be a dick?"[/color] Casper snapped. His head was pounding and he was exhausted thanks to M-Pox. The adrenaline rush from realizing they were under attack was already beginning to wane, since the earthquake had stopped. He then winced, realizing the kid was in front of him. He really needed to mind his language around children. [color=DBA1DE]"Sorry, I meant to ask if you're contractually obligated to be a fucking asswipe,"[/color] Casper said. Neither Havok nor Casper saw Polaris' eyes flutter open. Her mind was still addled by the drugs. She didn't recognize her surroundings. The last thing she remembered, they had been outside George Washington University. She could feel metal all around them and she didn't look to see who was holding her. Her heart was pounding and her pupils were small as she sent a piece of metal flying at her captor - Waverley's abandoned rebar - and the metal bar went [i]thunk[/i] against Havok's skull. Her captor screamed and dropped her reflexively. He screamed in pain and from betrayal, passing out onto the ground. [color=A9F8C7]"Who the FUCK are you?!"[/color] she shouted at Casper and Zarina. She reached her hand back and the rebar flew out of Havok's head, snapping into her hand. His blood was smeared onto her hand now. [color=A9F8C7]"And where the HELL am I?!"[/color] [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=935DB8]Veil[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/qB2G1nnk/image.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=935DB8]Location:[/color][/b] Outside Jack's Office Building [b][color=935DB8]Skills:[/color][/b] Perception, Investigation, Leadership [hr][/center] [color=935DB8]"Actually, Max - Warlock - did exactly as I asked,"[/color] Veil corrected Feedback. She never anticipated that Warlock and Feedback would get along. It was out of the cards for them. Veil would, however, keep them from spreading rumors and lies about each other, whether they were acting with malicious intent or not. Warlock couldn't take back killing Feedback's mother. That deed was over. As far as Veil was aware, there weren't any mutants with the ability to travel through time. Her expression softened, hearing Jack explain what had happened. He seemed like he was telling the truth. She didn't know why Emma Frost would want him to cart off Sunshine like that and drug Feedback, but it made more sense than Jack deciding over night to kidnap his daughter. He hadn't even done a particularly good job of it, taking Sunshine back to his office - if he had been the mastermind behind this plot, wouldn't he have taken her out of DC and hidden her away? He hadn't attacked them either. Veil nodded, glad to hear that Spark Plug thought similarly. [color=935DB8]"We'll get you back to the Underground, Jack, and we'll have Glimpse get Frost out of your head,"[/color] she reassured him gently. [color=935DB8]"Do you have any idea why Frost wanted you to do that?"[/color] she added, opening up a car door and motioning for Jack to head inside. They were lucky - no cops or purifiers had shown up yet. [hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=#DAF7A6]Sunshine[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.postimg.cc/W49hZLVD/image.png[/img][hr][hr][b][color=#DAF7A6]Location:[/color][/b] [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/9/9e/Island_M_from_Powers_of_X_Vol_1_2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20200623154223]Island M, the Bermuda Triangle [/url] [b][color=#DAF7A6]Skills:[/color][/b] People Reading, Survival [hr][/center] Sunshine was coughing profusely, but that didn't stop her from being mad at Max. He seemed seriously convinced that Marshmallow had drugged her roommate and kidnapped her, which made no sense at all. If Jack had kidnapped her, why would he just take her to his office for doughnuts? Why didn't he tie her up with zip ties and carve out her guts? That's what she would have done as a despicable, maniacal abductor. But even with that information, Max didn't look like he was lying to her. [color=#DAF7A6]"If - [i]cough[/i] - he kidnapped me, then - [i]cough[/i] he's the world's worst kidnapper!"[/color] She screamed as they plummeted back into the ocean, flimsy pool noodles appearing. She was clinging onto both Max and the noodle, not too sure which one would aid her survival the best over time. She didn't have to worry about Max killing her mother at least. She would've been happy to see him roast her alive. Max started mumbling something about a boat, but Sunshine didn't see any at all. [color=#DAF7A6]"What boat, crazy pants?!"[/color] she shouted, the waves becoming more wild and thus louder. A large wave of water hit her and her lungs were filled with liquid once again, as she choked and tried to gasp for air. The next thing she knew, she and Max were on the beach. She crawled onto her side and coughed up as much water as she could, her throat feeling like a cheese grater. [color=#DAF7A6]"N-no, you can't go to sleep,"[/color] she said, displaying a bit of concern for Max as she shook him. [color=#DAF7A6]"Every pirate movie I've seen has had some sort of secret thing to escape the island... M-maybe that palace thing will have a raft,"[/color] she suggested, her teeth chattering despite the warmth of the shore.