"Thanks, but no thanks Bogga." Cleo said, shaking his head. "We'll take our chances on our own." [hr] [i]4 hours later[/i]... "I don't know how the hell you talked me into this." Leyla grumbled, curling her legs and squeezing into the exhaust port of the frigate, now modified as Jabba's Grand Casino Palace. It had been a risky maneuver, but R5 had calculated the trajectory just right, and once the woman was launched, it was a short four hundred meters into the Rango III's underbelly, narrowly avoiding being sliced in half by the closing chutes. The sudden gravity caused her forward momentum to halt almost instantaneously, and she dropped to the floor of the port as she was suddenly pulled to downward. Leyla landed on all fours, gracefully Cleo had to admit. That was the last he saw of her. Once she entered, his visuals from her helmet were cut off. Only the comm on her ear kept them in contact. "If you're making a joke..." Cleo had spared no time in moving the Agesilaus II, following the route of the spacecrafts that had been invited guests. The ship needed to remain in orbit for another three minutes before they reached a blindspot, letting them float to the left and catch a small slip route to round above the giant ship. "It's not a very funny one." Even then R5 was preparing to integrate its hacking mechanism for when they landed. Jabba's charts had been accurate, giving Cleo almost no trouble in deciphering how to bypass the Ringo III security cams and motion sensors. Neither Cleo or Leyla had the credentials or the disguises to make it past security, but there were two alternative entry points. The exhaust port Leyla entered, and a secondary entrance encapsulated by a port shield. The shield itself changes integral laser spectrums in order for ships to pass through it or not. Fortunately for their job, organic matter and the material for the lamellar armor Cleo wore could pass through it regardless of the spectrum. Once inside, R5 would go to work as the Agesilaus II electromagnetically landed atop the Ringo III's port with all power save the auxiliary off. Cleo unbuckled himself from the pilot seat, letting R5 take the helm. The Commando checked his holster and belt, making sure he had the correct encryption to unlock the vault. If Jabba was to be believed, the two of them needed to meet in the middle of the Ringo III just above the bridge in Jabba's secret sanctum, where he kept his records, leverage on local crimelords, and the key to his wealth: The Nar Shaddaa Chip. They just needed to get their hands on it and bring it to Bogga, and they would live like an asteroid colony governor. The pressurized 'porthole' above the Agesilaus II opened up, Cleo noiselessly pulling himself atop the ship. The void of space as serene as it had been ever since he first saw it those decades ago. "Leyla, report." [@Penny]