[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201001/681d3725fccc21880d6ff3eafae05857.png[/img][/center] [hr] David got a bit of a chill running down his spine when he realized Rebecca probably wasn't quoting that movie for the sake of it. I mean sure the sixth sense didn't really scare him or anything, but just thinking of that concept being real freaked him out. Still the girl looked a lot more chipper than David would expect for someone with that ability. Moving on. [color=7ea7d8]"Yeah, you see, Rebecca here has the right idea. What more could the elders do except just having us run chores. Getting free accommodation and food is a sweet deal for a few odd jobs I would say."[/color] A bit of recognition struck David that perhaps the other two couldn't quite appreciate that fully yet. [color=7ea7d8]"Either way, heres my plan. We go do whatever flower picking, toad stool scouting, or whatever they want us to do. Meanwhile, we have a some proper good parties, and we are on easy street for the summer. Don't that sound good?"[/color] Mentions: [color=E800BC]Rebecca[/color][@blackdragon] [color=5df578]Kate[/color][@sassy1085]