The Cinnabar attack took the card playing thugs, they could be nothing else with weapons like those in a place like this. Sabatine sprang from the shadows with the skill of a woman long experienced with leaping about the rigging of a starship. As soon as her boots were grounded enough to give her a solid footing she drove the butt of her stocked impeller into the nearest mans head. There was a solid smack syncopated a moment later by his forehead smashing into the table top, spraying coins, cards and small plastic markers in all directions. The second man bearded and in what looked like a cast off military jacket, reacted faster than expected, attempting to leap to his feet and grab at his rifle. Sabatine kicked the chair out from underneath him, spilling him to the floor before driving the heel of her boot into his stomach. Air whooshed from the mans stomach a moment before the gurgle of vomit rushed up his esophagus to spew from his lips. Kaiden wasn't didn't let down his end of the bargain either. Scarcely a second behind her he dropped his first man with a haymaker that would have made the academy boxing instructors proud, knocking the man to the ground sending the man sprawling across the table and into his fellow. The last man, an evil looking brute with no obvious neck and muscles like cables tossed the limp body aside and tried to rise. Kaiden swept up the over turned chair and smashed it to kindling against the gorilla's face in a spray of blood and teeth that sent him staggering towards the passage they had emerged from. Unbelievably, the man didn't appear to be out of the fight, but Higgs solved the problem by stepping from cover and brining a length of high pressure tubing down on the back of the stunned bruisers head with the clinical precision of the man who had ended a dozen bar fights with maximum prejudice. The entire incident took perhaps five seconds and left all the guards incapacitated or dead. The spacers rushed in after Higgs, snatching up the bodies with brutal efficiency and securing hands and mouths with cargo tape in the wake of the officers assault. The man who had vomited on himself moaned feebly, but the others appeared to be out for the count. "Wait," Sabatine directed as Caperelli made to gag that man. He might well choke on his own vomit but Sabatine wasn't motivated by any humanitarian impulse. She took a bottle of liquor from the table and filled a cup with it before dashing it in the prisoners face. His eyes snapped open and he spluttered and vomited again. "Knife," she said flatly to Caperelli, who obediently produced an evil looking combat knife from a boot, flipped it in his hand and slapped the handle into her palm. Sabatine was keyed up, queasy with adrenaline but she managed to hold the weapon without shaking in front of the mans face. As his eyes focused the prisoner caught sight of the blade and froze, a rabbit transfixed by the sight of a snake. "The Cinnabar officer you kidnapped," Sabatine said in a cold voice, "tell us where he is." The prisoner squeezed his eyes shut, clearly wanting to wipe the ejecta from his face, but too scared to move. "He.. hes upstairs," the thug moaned, gathering enough courage to wipe his mouth. "They got him in one of the store rooms up top," the man mewled, glancing between the ruin of the card game and the blade of the knife. "Stars your not going to kill me are you?" he whined. Sabatine cast a glance at Kaiden who looked amused as he shook out his hand. It had been a hell of a punch. "If you keep your mouth shut that shouldn't be necessary," Sabatine said in a neutral voice. She glanced at Kaiden again, in case her superior had questions for the prisoner.