[hider=Maya D. Carter][center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE8BsZUW5cs[/youtube][/center][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qbAHTk2.jpg[/img] [color=dadada][sub][color=BABABA]Maya Davidia Carter[/color] 34 [color=BABABA]⟁[/color] Transwoman [color=BABABA]⟁[/color] Human [color=BABABA]⟁[/color] Nurse/Medic [/sub][/color][hr][color=2e2c2c]................................................................................................[/color][/center][/cell][cell][color=BABABA][sub]A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent] Maya Carter is a very mousy soul, she has the appearance and demeanor of a librarian - despite being a mere nurse. It's a mixture of her glasses, and more subdued presence - a quiet person that rarely, if ever, raises her own voice but she shows a more bubbly side from time to time. However, Maya's gender is a bit... ambiguous, much to her chagrin. Probably the first thing that people notice about Maya Carter is that she's a really tall person for a female (and a human). She stands at six-two, and she's pretty skinny, with very few curves if any - a very boyish frame with broad shoulders. Her voice is a bit deep, but fortunately, her facial features are at the very least androgynous. This is all because Maya is transgendered, transitioning after puberty. Maya has embraced her own idea of femininity, even if she isn't nor ever will be conventionally attractive. In an attempt to reach this ideal, Maya has dyed her hair a pink color and let it grow out a lot. It goes past her shoulders and it's curly, afro-textured, and very well maintained by Maya. She, from time to time, she braids a flower or two into her hair. Now Maya descends from African-Americans, and a mess of different Spanish cultures (She [i]believes[/i] that she's part Brazilian, Mexican, and Columbian). It's hard to tell her race because her facial features don't give any cues (Her thick lips and skull-shape are more African than anything), and she has very light skin. All most people see is that she's black and then they call it a day.[/indent][/cell][/row][/table][indent]Now, as stated before, Maya is very tall and somewhat skinny - well, not completely skinny because she has a bit of body fat on her. The lifestyle and occupation that Maya lives don't really require that she be in tip-top shape, and due to hormone replacement she packs on fat a bit more. She tries to keep the excess body fat off, but she has a bit of a belly but it doesn't do anything gross like sag. She also has body fat on other parts on her legs, arms, calves, behind, and breasts - which is pretty much the only thing padding out her curves. People notice that she keeps her body covered up at all times, even in warmer environments. That is because Maya is covered in whipping scars and other old wounds from her time as a slave. They're all over her body and they are [i]ugly[/i], and the young Maya would rather keep them hidden.[/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]H I S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent] Maya was born and raised on a space ship, she never felt the natural earth underneath her feet until she was much older. Her parents (and their parents) didn't agree with the Systems Alliance or the Citadel and wanted a life free from alien influence. Thus, they lived as traders that went from place to place in the Terminus Systems trading goods (and smuggling in some cases). It was a difficult lifestyle, given that they were under threat from slavers and pirates. They managed to come up with their own ways to deter pirates and avoid conflict as much as possible. Now again, Maya wasn't always Maya... she was known as Dudley Carter. Dudley always felt that something was wrong, that his body was maybe not made for him. However, the young Dudley kept to himself and he was generally put to work moving boxes like the rest of his family. He was raised by his mother who also taught him, but he generally grew up alone with little contact from people of his own age. Between school and the work, he barely had any time to really explore these feelings, and any behavior seen breaking the norm was [i]not[/i] welcomed. He just kept these feelings in as he had a mild interest in things that were seen as feminine, which evolved into an obsession. Dudley's family was pretty healthy and he had a great relationship with his parents even if they found his behavior [i]odd[/i] at times. The colony was beautiful, and he had plenty of other children to play with... until it all came crashing down. They were attacked by pirates who quickly overwhelmed the family and enslaved them all. Thus, the young Dudley spent a few years of his life as a slave for this pirate group, as his family was sold off to other groups in the Terminus Systems. He was kept around for the menial tasks that the pirates didn't want to do like cleaning and cooking. These few years were absolute hell for Dudley as he was just barely kept alive to serve them and was abused. This was where Dudley realized that his family had a bit of a point not wanting anything to do with aliens. However, the pirates raided a colony in the Attican Traverse that was under Citadel control and the Alliance Navy retaliated and raided the ship. Alliance Marines utterly trounced the pirates and they finally broke the chains around Dudley. However, he was simply brought under Alliance custody and placed in an orphanage in one of the larger, more prosperous, colonies under the System Alliance's oh so watchful eye. He never had to worry about being enslaved again, fortunately, and thus he was allowed to finally allowed to heal from that awful, awful, experience. Dudley was finally allowed to explore himself as well and realized that wasn't his identity, being a teenager at this point. The colony was a lot more open than Dudley's original place and he started using female pronouns and eventually, he went to a special doctor. Then he got the proper drugs prescribed to him and went through the procedure of changing his name. And that was the death of Dudley and the birth of[i] Maya Carter.[/i] As Maya; she wanted to help people and avoid that tragedy that happened to her so many years ago, so when she came of age she [i]tried[/i] to enlist in the Alliance Navy. However, it was discovered that she has a bit of PTSD from her time as a slave and she couldn't pass the psychological evaluation. This was a bummer at the time but Maya didn't give up and decided to attend college, but this wasn't exactly ideal as an orphan with no money. The options were becoming more and more limited as Maya eventually took a job as a secretary in a doctor's office - One that she found out was a front for a Cerberus operation. Cerberus members would get hurt and they would come there to be discretely patched up and given an official cover. Maya was afraid at first, but then she found out about the opportunities. Through this doctor, Maya was recruited into Cerberus as a medic. She was taught all the ways to patch up the Cerberus operatives that got injured. With Cerberus, Maya thought that she was helping people, but she quickly found out that she was just another pawn in the Illusive Man's game. That they were just a disgusting terrorist group, despite all the great things she heard about them - and all of her own xenophobia. That was when Maya had enough, took all of her things, and disappeared without a trace - they came looking for her but she fled into the Terminus Systems. Probably the most obvious place for a deserter but Maya put her skills that she learned under Cerberus to good use as a freelance contractor. She worked under a doctor under the guise of a nurse for the longest and she's... seen some shit. Eventually, Maya took a job for an Asari Captain for a shady operation... while she was hesitant, it was a quick and easy way out of Omega - and they would give her free food and a place to sleep. Sounded like a good deal, right?[/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent] Despite it all, Maya attempts to make the best of things and put on a smile on her face. Despite more or less a back-alley doctor for a bunch of criminals, mercenaries, and other thugs, she has some exceptional customer service, so to speak. It's a mixture of genuine kindness and some remnants of her past trauma as a slave - putting on a smile made them beat her less. Maya realized that she had a tough life and that she's unlikely to work past it but damn she's going to try. Maya is cheerful and kind, making sure to treat everyone with respect until they prove they don't deserve it. That's usually how she is on the job and is one that isn't afraid to make conversation with people. Off the job, or if it's not necessary, she's a bit quieter and more focused on the job. Maya is a hard worker and is the kind of person that's better kept busy or else she'll begin to go a bit crazy. She prides herself on being the most efficient and productive person and she doesn't really have a lot of patience or care for somebody who isn't. While Maya isn't the confrontational type, she isn't above throwing passive-aggressive or snide comments someone's way. Definitely will give someone a hard time if they think that they're better than her due to arbitrary reasons. Maya has a sharp tongue but saves it for the right occasion, or the right idiot. Maya has a good sense of humor and is usually sarcastic and making teasing comments towards people - provided that they are on board with it. However, Maya has a lot of past trauma to work through despite her best interests and is the kind of person that has a hard time dealing with stress. Maya usually shuts down if faced with an issue that she cannot immediately solve or one that takes her out of her own comfort zone. Because if she cannot solve it on her own she'll attempt to avoid it altogether. The woman has a lot of trouble with dealing with other races, or "aliens" she insultingly refers to them as. She was born in a xenophobic community that was ultimately proven right when Maya was kidnapped by Batarian slavers and enslaved for several years of her life. Maya doesn't like aliens, nor does she like dealing with them, but she knows that to survive out in Terminus she has to swallow her pride. Ultimately, she has learned to keep her distance from such aliens. Maya is realistic and down to earth, and while she tries to put on the facade of cheerfulness, she can't help but tell people the grim truth. She also attempts to be a moral, kind-hearted, person because she feels some deep regret for helping Cerberus. She feels as if she can make up for it by helping people but she knows many lives were indirectly ended due to her skillset. Maya was misled and now she tries not to be so naive and trusting.[/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]A B I L I T I E S [/sub][/color][hr][indent] [list][*] Medic. [/list][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]E Q U I P M E N T[/sub][/color][hr][indent] [list][*] Special-Medical Omnitool: One that she was given during her time in Cerberus and it can do everything a regular Omni-tool can do. However, it can scan a being's vital signs and dispense Medi-gel. [*] M-3 Predator: Maya knows that she has to protect herself and thus she got herself a pistol. An M-3 Predator is as standard as pistols can get, but it's pretty versatile and well-rounded. [/list][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]S T R E N G T H S & W E A K N E S S E S[/sub][/color][hr][indent] [list][*] Medic: Very skilled at applying First Aid, even if it's best suited for humans. She can patch someone up really well and keep them in the fight. Even aliens from time to time. [*] Shoulder to cry on: Maya is a very good listener and tries to understand people and let them vent to her. Due to her own tragic past, she's understanding. [*] Lack of combat experience: Maya only kinda knows how to shoot a pistol and against someone who knows what they're doing, well, she better get the drop on them. [*] Xenophobia: Maya is [i]very[/i] distrustful of aliens and is more likely to believe a shady human over a well-standing alien. Also, her medical knowledge starts and stops at humans. [/list][/indent] [color=BABABA][sub]G O A L S & R E G R E T S[/sub][/color][hr][indent] [list][*] Every day Maya seeks to improve things for humanity in anyway that she can. Given the fact that she's one person and lacks the resources to do big change, so she just lives her life the best way she can. [*] Maya regrets joining Cerberus and keeping terrorists alive, it haunts her conscience to this day. [/list] [/indent][/hider]