[center][h2]The Journey Begins[/h2][/center] [center][h3]~ Unknown Location ~[/h3][/center] [center][i]Interacted with:[/i] [@Rune_Alchemist][/center] Despite his protests, the party continued on. Nick really didn't want to head down further but he couldn't just leave these people behind, even if they were heading to certain doom. He lagged behind them as they descended, wary of the black tar-like substance that was abundant in this place. "[color=skyblue]Shouldn't be doing this, shouldn't be doing this...[/color]" He repeated to himself and clutching the harmless blade he had as hard as he could. His eyes darted all over the place, waiting for anything to happen. That was the worst part of it all, the tense waiting. Nick knew something was going to happen to them here but they didn't know what or when or how. Each step Nick took, the other guys had already taken five. But he didn't notice, too occupied in his paranoia as he descended the staircase. The other three were already way past the staircase bottom when he arrived there. Nick heard the sounds of rushing water and saw his three other companions standing and probably admiring whatever it was that was there. He moved to join them but suddenly, the ground shook as black vines began growing over the staircase exit. Nick quickly backed away before realizing that he was now separated from the rest of the group. In this place that ticked off his anxiety powers. Surrounded by probably evil goo. And as defenseless as a newborn babe. "[color=skyblue]Interesting. Very interesting.[/color]" Nick muttered, amused. A figure dashed upwards the staircase, frantically trying to get away from this place as fast as he could. Nick should've figured something like this would happen. He felt bad not noting his companions that he was hauling ass, but they'd understand right? There was little he could do down there, save for trying to hack away the vines with the old blade. Nick hoped they would be alright down there, though. He would try to make it back to that courtyard they were in earlier, no longer caring if the black tar was growing all around him as he fled. Now that he was alone, it was up to him on what to do next in this alien world. Troubling, Nick thought but enough about that, he needed to get to safety first.