The snake did a surprisingly human job of rolling its eyes before curling itself around an extinguished candlestick atop the hearth, finding warmth even in this chill northern land. The magic that sustained the familiar was not truly effected by the cold, but the form of a snake carried with it some decidedly snake like imperatives. There was a perfunctory knock on the door before the wooden panel swung open on its heavy iron hinges. Greta stuck her head through the portal looking nervous and a little skitish. That was to be expected with a half dozen of the Sheriff toughs making a gauntlet for her to walk to reach the room. Fortunately Emmaline was fully clothed and the girl couldn't see what she was doing from her position by the door. "Ummm... will there be anything else tonight master and mistress?" she asked, clearly hoping there wouldn't be. Emmaline drew a silver piece from her pocket and tossed it to the girl. "Keep our friends there in ale if you would," she said in an encouraging tone and then took another coin from the pouch and tossed it after the first. "And for your troubles," she added. Greta caught the coin and knuckled her forehead. "Thank you Frauline," she said and then vanished behind the door which closed and latched with a click. Emmaline smiled and tightened her grip slightly. "Well... I can't say you are exactly putty in my hands," she said with a giggle.