Alexander's EX Skills: - The Mind of a Genius (Exceptional Intelligence x5): An unexplainable inhuman intelligence, Alexander is capable of understanding layers of complexities that can take years to fully understand in a few explanations, and quickly coming up with solutions that can go beyond the grasp of even a smart person. - Leadership is Two-way (Exceptional Leadership): There is a difference between just dying for the Ascendancy and willing to die for the Ascendancy - Never Interrupt Your Blundering Enemy (Exceptional Generalship x3): In war, he knows exactly what to do when there is both something and nothing to do. - House of Cards (Exceptional Politics): It takes a lot to keep himself within the Ascendancy High Command without being ousted. It's not just sheer intelligence and tactical ability - Eagle's Eyes (Exceptional Attention to Detail): Even the smallest detail that occur during the most chaotic time can be caught under his thick glasses. - Be Like Water (Exceptional Martial Arts (Hand to Hand)): Physical exercise and mental intelligence goes hand in hand. It clears the mind, shifts your focuses, and sometimes can bring out subconscious ideas that you never think of. Alexander has always followed these principles during his early military training, and after the war he proceeds to expand his scope of cultural understanding by studying other different martial arts as well.