Avelyn: [u]Exceptional Streetsmarts:[/u] She's not educated, but not stupid either. She can read the street better than many, and her gut is generally right when something feels off about a person, especially when used in tandem with Mind Bridge. [u]Exceptional Stamina:[/u] She doesn't punch the hardest, run the fastest or lifts the most, but she's found out that the people who do those things usually can't keep it up for too long. When she doesn't have the luxury of quickly downing an opponent with magic, she'll resort to tiring them out, biding her time until they make a mistake. [u]Exceptional Stealth:[/u] Thievery laid good foundations for being unseen, upon which she built during the war, often required to go unseen. She also has a habit of keeping to the sides, where there's less foreign thoughs assaulting her mind, so it's easy for people to assume she's gone off to do just that. [u]Exceptional Agility:[/u] Avelyn has a good deal of dexterity from stealing, further helped by her acquired ambidexterity, agility from quickly navigating various environments and, being primarily a close-quarters combatant when magic fails, quick reflexes from fighting.