If the United States of America is going to continue to be great, we must first open the border and allow thousands of Persians, rapists, Mexican women, and Chinese terrorists into our country. The xenophobia must not continue, the KKK is trying to instigate war with African Americans and are encouraging that we nuke every nation on Earth but the US and Whitepeoplestan. Secondly, we must bomb the hell out of hurricanes. The south has lately been hammered by hurricanes relentlessly. The only hope for safety for the south or America is to bomb these racist hurricanes with nukes and blow them back to China where they came from. And Israel and Mexico too. Bomb them for their anti-American rhetoric. And China, WE MUST BOMB CHINA. Also, Cardi B and Kylie Jenner must be made governesses of California so they can organize mass orgies and transform California into Sodom and Gomorrah. And Dwayne The Rock Johnson must be made Secretary of Defense so he can use the moon as a weapon to knock China the hell back to Jabroniland. Finally, Darth Vader must not be allowed to construct the third Death Star else he may nuke planet earth and President Trump’s hair and skin. Also, Chuck Todd must be liberated from his receding hairline. His head must be forcibly shaved. SAVE CHUCK TODD FROM CUCKING HIMSELF! And finally... BABY YODA FOR PRESIDENT!