Mar’s ears twitched slightly as he took in the mission orders. He had assumed that the Rebel Alliance was in a slightly better state than the CO alluded to, but then again he had only been on the fringes of the Battle of Hoth. Either way, this planned assault struck Mar as very brazen and desperate. But then again Mar was just a pilot, and a rookie one at that. He didn’t think it appropriate to voice disagreement with the plans of Command. This would be Mar’s first mission, and he figured he was only expected to fight and survive. After all, that’s all that the Rebellion could hope to do. As Mar went over the mission in his head, the wolf lady next to him asked a question. Mar had been unaware that there was a U-Wing in the Squadron. It the occurred to him that he didn’t know any of the craft used in the Squadron, save his Fang fighter. In fact there was a lot that Mar didn’t know about what he had to do as a starfighter pilot. With how fast they had made him a pilot after Hoth, Mar hadn’t really gotten a chance to do an orientation or any kind of training. A wave of anxiety passed over Mar as he felt greatly unqualified for this mission. But he also realized that there was no one else to do the mission. Mar gulped and straightened his ears has he took control of his nerves, focusing on what needed to be done. With his mind back on the operation, Mar asked, “Sir, what kind of resistance are we expecting at the Station?”