Druid Girl nodded as Steppe Archer accepted the task she'd been requested to do. She then perked up as Big Red rumbled his musings about herbs not being able to cure a dislocated foot. True enough, there wasn't a plant on the planet that could pop your joints back into place by merely being applied, but then again a dislocated foot couldn't kill you, unlike a still-bleeding or open wound which could get infected. The caramel-skinned girl decided not to say anything about that topic though, no need to go into semantics when the big fella was just trying to be helpful... In his own, awkward way... She made a slight grimace when the reptilian man, rather brusquely, popped the goblin victim's foot back into place. The red-head herself made a quick, nasaly whine and blinked just as the sensation of pain coursed through her body, but other than that she made no discenrable or noteworthy sounds or movements that would indicate that she'd been much afflicted by the sudden treatment... Which was just depressing. Druid Girl gently stroked the poor thing's forehead in a vain attempt to comfort her. She didn't much care for the choice words that Big Red had used about him not liking to waste things... "Helping someone is never wasteful." The druid state rather quickly after the lizard had spoken, and rather curtly. It was rather obvious that her kindness didn't agree with pragmatism or cold logic. Still, she was gracious enough to thank the lizardman for giving up his potion, and she wasted little time administering it. After that, she told Big Red to be careful before he went back into the cave to retrieve the other bodies. Not that there was likely anything inside left that could actually hurt the behemoth, but it never hurt to wish someone well, and to remind them to be careful, no matter how big and broad their shoulders were. Soon enough, the nomad returned triumphantly, brandishing the bounty which she had collected. Druid Girl smiled warmly as she took the plucked plants. "These will do fine, thank you." She said, setting to work almost at once. She would strip the small saw-toothed leaves from the stems and then, using the very tip of her sickle, would cut into the plant's side, causing a small, translucent but still misty liquid to seep out. She began to gently rub this syrup-y goo onto the places and injuries which their potions hadn't been able to fully close or heal. The dark skinned girl worked fast and efficently, but still managed to be both gentle and firm at the same time. Of course, her teacher would've been much better and done a far better job, not having wasted any of the flowers, but with what they had, the girl did just fine. When she was finally done, and all the wounds had been sutiably smeared, the raven-haired girl let out a sigh of relief, apparently having been holding her breath while she'd been working. With a soft smile she looked over at Steppe Archer. "Good work, this'll really help her body recover, and I couldn't have done it without your help." She said, looking back to the poor girl on the dirt ground infront of her and gently stroking her forehead again. "Once Big Red gets back with... The other two... Do you think you could help him set up the pyre too? I want to stay and keep an eye on her." She paused. "And the sooner we send the others off, the quicker we can get back and ask that man if we can borrow his barn for the rest of the night." She added, furrowing her brow at the mention of the farmer. It wasn't like her to be angry at someone this long, but that man had just ruffled her feathers.