[color=a187be]"Seems to be a lot of folks 'on business' as of late."[/color] said Maverick taking another pull from his beer. [color=39b54a]"Especially Sen`ora Hawkins. She's popular as of late...but curiously absent."[/color] Alejandro sipped his beer casually before adding, [color=39b54a]"Would it have anything to do with a certain stranger's recent visit the area?"[/color] [color=a187be]"You wouldn't happen to know the nature of said stranger's visit would you? Or why its caused such a stir?"[/color] Alejandro flashed a playful grin as he watched for Waylon's reaction while Maverick looked on more seriously. Apparently the two weren't here purely for pleasure either. Negan often sent his kids out to get updates on what was happening in town, though not everyone was aware of it. Alejandro was a mastermind when it came to getting information out of people even if it was by just reading how a person reacted to his words. Most folks weren't even aware he was doing it. Alejandro knew that Waylon was too sharp for such games, but it didn't stop him from playing them anyway. Maverick on the other hand was more level-headed and direct. His role was often to keep his siblings in check and make sure nothing got out of hand. Before Waylon could answer however a sudden raised voice cut through the bar. "I said move it Kim-chi! We needs this table here!" [color=ec008c]"It's Ja-Ki,"[/color] came the icy reply, only audible because the entire bar had fallen silent, [color=ec008c]"and there are other tables."[/color] "You really gonna sit there and take a whole table to yer lonesome and make us take sommit smaller? You ain't even drinking proper!" [color=a187be]"Alejandro, ve a ayudar a nuestra hermana,"[/color] came Maverick's calm voice though he'd switched to Spanish. [color=39b54a]"Ella puede cuidarse sola,"[/color] whined Alejandro with an eye roll. [color=a187be]"Papá dijo que no hay problema."[/color] Maverick's voice had gained a bite to it, and by now Ja-Ki had removed her sunglasses to glare daggers at the man yelling at her. [color=a187be]"Date prisa, antes de que mate a ese hijo de puta."[/color] Alejandro clicked his tongue in disgust before standing up. [color=39b54a]"Perra se lo merecería,"[/color] he muttered before striding over to the tense conversation. [color=39b54a]"Gentleman!"[/color] he said jovially, [color=39b54a]"What do you mean by causing such a scene in Sen`ora Hawkins' establishment? I know she is not here, but surely your respect for her extends even when you don't see her."[/color] "What do you-?" spluttered the man, taken aback by the suddenly appearance of a man a foot taller than him. [color=39b54a]"What would she say if she saw you talking such a way to a paying customer of hers? Tsk Tsk."[/color] "We didn't mean no disrespect to Hawkins," said one of the men hastily, "we were just-" [color=39b54a]"Buena! I would hate to have to tell her that there was a ruckus while she was gone. Here, let us show our respect with more beers eh? Vamanos! A round for our Lady of Liquor!"[/color] He rapidly shuffled the men quickly to the bar. Ja-Ki wasted no time gathering her pen, book, and lemonade before stealthing her way out of the bar without even setting the bell off. As soon as regular chatter resumed Maverick resumed talking with Waylon. [color=a187be]"So...is there something going on that Papa should be aware of?"[/color]