[center][color=FF6347][h1]Charlotte Wardwell[/h1][/color] [color=FF6347]Time[/color]: ~4pm [color=FF6347]Location[/color]: Long Alley between the Hospital and Church and such other buildings in that area. [color=FF6347]Interaction[/color]: n/a [/center] [hr] Today was not going so well for her. "Get the hell back here you bitch!" the man growled, his eyes faint with a yellow glow as he darted into the alley after her. ...Really not well, actually. The kind of not well you get when a visitor in town asking for directions turns out to be a werewolf with a hate-boner for witches. The kind of not well when you are running for your life, trying not to expose yourself to the general public the day after a domestic terror attack on her University. So far she'd made it down the street and into a long alley before bolting, and her pursuer only picking up the pace after getting into the alley as well. Between the Church and the Hospital and alleyways between the buildings there was, of all places, perhaps one of her worst choices to flee...though depending on things might not be the worst idea for a place to be found dead in terms of [i]sheer[/i], [b]raw[/b] irony. [color=FF6347]"Fuck you!"[/color] She did her best to telekinetically toss a few things in her pursuer's path, including some bags sitting near an open dumpster as she ran past. It wasn't much of anything to deter the man, however, as he seemed to just get angry and tear them to the side or apart as he seemingly now began to shift. Crap. She'd only moved here a couple months, trying to get herself settled more before college kicked in next spring. Online classes were the way to go in her book, at least in making it easier to lock herself away and get cozy or otherwise multi-task with her spell training. Likewise she was thinking of trying to get a part-time job at least somewhere in the local area, maybe as a cook in some place? It seemed more appealing than some kinds of jobs, at least, but she'd yet to look after the exhausting move left her just trying to get comfortable here and in her apartment. But no, she had to move to the insane place where campus got attacked before she could even begin classes and now a werewolf from out of town had stumbled in and was trying to [b]kill[/b] her!!! [color=orange][i]'You know you could ask us for help, yes? Please don't be one of those other lives that died very young.'[/i][/color] [color=yellow][i]'Our latest self doth inherit it from [b]thine[/b] side of the family! Back in mine day our might wouldst have already turned this dastardly beast into naught but ash!'[/i][/color] [color=orange][i]'And exposing yourself in public by using blatant magic is an ok thing to do here? This isn't a tribe of ancient Bretons you can just mystify and lead on, you idiot! Even if she survived it'd probably lead to her death by human hands.'[/i][/color] [color=brown][i]'Says the one who got herself beheaded in France during the Revolution.'[/i][/color] [color=lightblue][i]'Don't hold zat againzt her! Vee are goink to be dyink' if you cannot stop zee bickering und help!"[/i][/color] Ah. The usual chatter within her skull had been somewhat ignored as the threat of impending death was looming over her. However that one past life with the German-French-Russian accent (she could not tell which even after 6 years) did have a point. She didn't want to die, and the bickering wasn't helping anything either. Plus she had yet to properly hit the right skill level with the 'fire' spell either. [color=FF6347][i]'Do any of you have an actual ideaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh ssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt!!!'[/i][/color] Distracted for a moment as she tried to internally talk to the past lives in her head, literally so, she was looking back at her pursuer before running body-first into the hood of a parked car. Wait, what kind of idiot parked their car in an alley like this?! No matter, as it sent her bowling over to the side and onto the ground before she clutched her stomach briefly. Yet even from her position she could undoubtedly see her pursuer running over with a bloodlust in his eyes and mouth already baring fangs to take a chomp. There wasn't time to run. There wasn't time to get back up. Her mind scrambled for an answer as even the voices also tried to debate what to do, time slowing down before her eyes seemingly...until eventually something cut through the noise seemingly out of the blue. It was familiar to her core, and yet at the same time foreign to her like some kind of long-forgotten memory. As calm as a peaceful, cloudless day, and yet with the subtle power of a mighty storm. Even the other voices immediately shut up when it rang out from the deepest confines of her self. [color=khaki][i]'Please use this.'[/i][/color] Charlotte didn't even think twice as the past life shared its experience with her in the form of a spell, the information seeming to seamlessly flowing in like a smooth liquid honey. Her hands rose up off of the ground as she did so, as if she'd done this a thousand times before, and a certain familiar yet alien sensation of self set in. It wasn't a new thing to experience this info-dump from a past life, and yet at the same time it felt...older, more primal in her hands right now. Like she could smell dusty plains, and the damp shores of rivers, and feel the heat of the sun baking the ground beneath her feet for the briefest of recognizable moments. Then, without a single word uttered, the car and power lines nearby arced with electricity as it was forced out from it. Like a wellspring of Zeus' fury it poured forth from around them both, catching her pursuer in such surprise his eyes could only widen in the moment before- [center][b][h3]'CRACK!' 'BOOM!'[/h3][/b][/center] ...As her breathing slowed back down, the tiredness began to hit her body in a familiar dull ache. From the intensity of the feeling she'd really let loose something this time, as it wasn't this draining before to make use of the knowledge/experience sharing with her past lives before. Yet as her senses began to return in the aftermath of the knowledge sharing, at the point it became clear her body froze cold as she looked at the scene that lied before her. A cold sweat formed all over her back in an instant, and the thumping of her heart began to ring in her ears. What...ah...what was [i]left intact[/i] and not covering the walls and ground and car and even her clothes was a nightmarish scene straight out of a horror movie. No words except 'charred and uncharred all over the place' came to mind, and resisting the urge to retch she scrambled up to her feet in haste. Without a second thought she bolted away, running as fast as her tired body could manage. By the time she rounded the corner and stuck herself to the wall, she heard a couple of doors open and a shrill scream of terror go out into the air. At least one person, for better or for worse, had just come back to check what in the hell had happened...and come upon a scene Charlotte was loathe to even look back on. Dammit all. Ok. Ok. No, she could handle getting out of this. She could take a hot bath after getting back to her apartment. She would have to use Cloaking to hide, and Change to try to turn the blood spatter on her into something that could be passed off as paint or such. Simple stuff, yes. With that, the 19 year old silently cast her first Cloaking spell of the day and began to dart away towards the right in the direction of the area to the south that the Arcade was in. It would be a while before she got back to clean up properly and get rid of these clothes to be safe, but she prayed that nothing else supernatural and menacing would have noticed it. Especially other witches. [hr] [center][color=FF1493][h1]Valya Karaznov[/h1][/color] [color=FF1493]Time[/color]: ~4pm [color=FF1493]Location[/color]: Park [color=FF1493]Interaction[/color]: n/a [/center] [hr] It wasn't that the flight here had been terrible, but more so that the need to get out into some open air was even greater after she arrived last night. Ah. Of course with the news telling about a 'domestic terror attack' and the lingering smells of so many 'off' things it was easy to tell it was a hub of some supernatural activity. Vampires. Werewolves. Witches. Probably Hunters as well based on how she'd seen things go in other places. It was equal parts frustrating and exciting, tantalizing and yet troublesome. So of course her old friend had moved here into such a place yet again, whether intentionally or not. She'd heard from the girl's parents that she'd moved here, and that had been enough of a lead to go on so far. Had taken her far too long to even find her family, much less anyone from that secretive coven that would spill the beans or knew. Far too long. Years too long, and yet it was fine all the same. She was here now, and she would be able to at least see how this incarnation behaved and was like. Hopefully friendly enough to actually have a chat, unlike...four lives ago? No, three, it was three incarnations ago that was somewhat of an asshole for a while. Regardless, whether they were active friends in this life or not she had to see [i]her[/i] at the very least...she'd promised. [color=FF1493]"Another lovely day,"[/color] she mulled quietly aloud as the edges of her lips drew up every so slightly, all whilst her arms and legs crossed as she sat on the park bench in a lovely dress. Her eyes were drawn up toward the sky, looking out in the blue void for a moment before letting her eyes close. It always looked the same since those days. Always had been the same all around the world, and she liked that just fine in her opinion. Could almost taste the dates in those 'cakes' they'd eaten back then. Heh. But still, this place would be interesting. All she had to do was find her main goal here, and then she could look for some mischief or action to watch...maybe get involved with even~ If nothing else, the clubs and bars would provide ample basic entertainment for her regardless.