[b]Robena[/b] [The azure knight, still cursed, spent 2 on position and lost, doing no harm to you, suffering one in return.] A bundle of long red hair flies loose from beneath the helm, and beneath that a ruddy face not dissimilar in shape to Cerwen's. The woman in this armor is no priest though, and her arm took the full blow of your axe. She is alive through that, which is no mean feat, but her arm is certainly broken near the elbow and she'll have to spend the next season in a splint doing no work so she can recover. She may not even be able to travel from Lostwithiel without risk of great injury. Still, you are victorious and though this is not the outcome you may have sought, it was achieved honorably and all could tell that the azure knight chose to take the blow head on and suffer its consequences. For a moment, the azure knight looks stunned. The shock of the blow, her helm being wrenched off, the sudden noise of the crowd and the bright light. Then, she looks at you and a torrent of words starts pouring out: "what in bloody blazes? How did I get hre? Who let a great bear like you into the tournament? Ah! My godsforsaken arm! Nobody said anything about this, they didn't! This was supposed to be an easy tournament, gods, who calls this a knight's penance, I want to know?" She looks weak and like she's near to passing out from the shock. Above the cheers of the audience, you hear a strangled cry from the stands near the Duchess, Cerwen for certain. The resemblance is far too close, they're obviously family. A cousin, maybe even a sister. What do you do now? [b]Constance[/b] Cerwen's attention is not closely enough on you to obtain any reassurance. Instead, as the two knights clash you are treated to Cerwen nearly leaping out of her seat. You see her clutching where her cross would have been and then realizing it's not there in a sudden panic. She must not have had time to fetch a more humble one before the tournament. Was she going to try and do something to manipulate the results? No matter though, you see your champion shatter the azure knight's defense and rip off her helm. An explosion of red hair comes loose and she falls backwards into your champion's arms. She's saying something, and Cerwen has let out a loud, strangled cry right next to your ear. You can tell she's full of grief and fear. The Duchess Marianne and her master at arms are looking over in alarm. What do you do? [b]Tristan and Nin[/b] The commotion at the castle happened while you were busy traveling overland. Now, as you let it go, you are treated to the sight of the great badger opening a new tunnel. It's a majestic sight. Discarding the remaining wheat stalks, it uses its claws in two great, sweeping motions to rend away a mound of earth. Then, claws before it, it begins to heave the earth to the side. It's magical, even for all its strength, the creature shouldn't be able to part the earth at this speed, yet the sight as it digs is like nothing more than watching a curtain of soil part at its claws. After a brief moment, it digs away at a speed that belies its bulk leaving only small traces of its tunnel line. You would guess that a trotting horse could keep pace with it, but you'd have little chance on foot, so if you continue to track it now, you'll need to rely on your endurance to catch back up to it wherever it stops next. One thing to observe, it goes no closer to the forest in its tunnel, instead paralleling the fields based on how you saw it enter the ground. Speaking of the forest, if you don't care to return to the castle, it holds much of what you need. Finding venoms would be a difficult woodcrafting skill, but certainly within the talents of both of you, especially Nin who has particular experience with the woodlands. Honey is even easier, your biggest fear would be a few bee stings, and you can ward most of that off with a couple smoking brands, but it should take only a short time to find. For a second bow, you'd need to return to the castle, where you'd arrive back around the middle of the night if you made a straight shot for it. You could, though, check with the local farmers, see if someone has a hunting bow. The road has scattered villages lining it, you'd easily hit at least a small group of people within a half hour's hiking. Though be careful arriving at night, they'll need some signs that you're safe and not there to hurt them. The forest at night may also have other dangers, though none you know of so dangerous as the great badger. Still, it refused to approach the forest even though you, Tristan, know that it wants dearly to have such environs as its surroundings, so that too is a reason for caution.