[Potential 4. Insecure] Solace, alas, is in short supply. Anathet's talent, the Zhianku's talent is no great magic to control or manipulate one's emotions. Quite the opposite, they feel stronger, more sharply. Anathet's talent is the talent that everyone needs at times, some more often than others. The ability to act, even while hurting. Perhaps especially while hurting. There are techniques that help of course. Anathet's interpretation of Zhianku meditation is to imagine her emotions as a myriad of colors and to visibly calm them almost as though trying to calm a tempestuous sea. In better times, she can choose her colors and wear them, but in times like this they decide for her what will come out. She has practiced imagining her mind almost like a sailor on the sea of her emotions in such times. The sailor can't calm the whole sea, but she can learn how to ride within it without being capsized. She can focus on a few tasks. Breathing and tying off the ropes where they're needed. And there are some things that are rote. Using her things is rote. The Zhianku trained Anathet well in their technology and so moving isn't a conscious thought and it has no need of focus. She just has to know where she's going and muscle memory with her jewelry does the rest. There is not even a need for care. This is not Set trying to hide, but rather Set sweeping in with power and glory, opening large portals and ushering the newly released prisoners through them to safety. Or such safety as there is at least. To where the remaining rebels hide and hunker down as Shamash hurls around such awful destruction in their home. It doesn't occur to her, distracted as she is, to bother alerting the rebels in advance, so they even receive a show from Set in all her glory with light and power transporting all these prisoners for them to take. She has no time for explanations, they are commanded to make space and left as to how to do it. Doing the task is much easier than doing it with care, compassion, and constant focus, and so the aspect of Set tonight is the storm and the outsider, that which is beyond comprehension or reason because the aspect that is Anathet is elsewhere. It's busy focusing on breathing and holding back tears. It's busy trying to wonder what kind of person she is, and wants to be, and why she came back here, what she hopes to achieve with all this. She has no fire of Marianne, nor shame and the need to prove herself like Canada. She worried for her mother, and can't even find her! Can't ask the Seneschal for that or let the resistance know Set is looking for such a specific person, it would give away far too much, so she's left with nothing. For [i]this[/i] she abandoned safety, loved ones, a warm home full of gardens she loved and her pet whale? And yes, for this and a vague sense of doing the right thing, whatever that is. No, there's no solace tonight. There is a sense of duty, a bare minimum of skills to move about where she's needed, and a focus on merely breathing and continuing to move. There is also a practically accidental spreading of the Phantom Thieves' reputation for being many times their own number by appearing visibly in many places within a few moments, but that's of no mind. And of the destruction and the safety of her friends, for now she can do nothing and so she tries to numb herself to these things and ride through the storm of their safety and that of her family and everyone else. Later, when everything is still, she will cry, time will pass, and she will go about gathering herself once again. That's all anyone can do.