Not having given their names, Emilio and Wēlanandaz still could differentiate the now incredulous aristocrats clearly. The first one who complained the loudest was portly, with dark brown hair encompassing his curled hair to sweep down over his face and make a full, groomed goatee. His vest was purple and he seemed to be a bit more annoyed than the others when it came to the topic they spoke of. The next man was tall, with a hawk nose and a frock coat. He had hair on his head, though it was wispy and straw colored. The other looked a bit younger than them, average of height. Though he had strange, indigo eyes and black locks. He sported a dueling saber at his hip, just below a green vest of satin. The portly man looked at Emilio with only the barest hint of suppressed anger. The merchant would see that there were more armed men there than the Knights of the Skull, even if this was clearly their stronghold. The nobles had their own personal guard it seemed. It was hard to judge how many of them there were, though an educated guess would indicate anywhere from twenty, to about sixty to seventy men between all three of them. It was hard to gauge considering they did not seem to be about to venture forth themselves, with many of their men likely out and about performing various tasks. "Who the fuck are you?" The normally well mannered, bearded noble asked Emilio. He took a moment to stare down the merchant before he decided to turn away lest he order something of his guards he might regret later. "A sales pitch isn't necessarily what we need right now." The younger noble remarked, though he did seem more amused and annoyed, and perhaps even intrigued at the man who so brazenly walked up to the three of them discussing this dark business. As for the third fellow, he actually chuckled. It sounded like a chipmunk squeaking when it found it's favorite nut. "On the contrary. Bertram, perhaps this is what we need." He seemed to be referring to the portly one. "A Dwarf forged blade, or ones a stout one can vouche for, could give us an edge on whatever endeavors we find ourselves locked into." He imperiously waved a gesture at Emilio as he continued. "This fellow here seems a daring and smart one as well. Did not our father's father's become rich from such noble pursuits as salesmen." "My father gained nobility from slaying a Malgani Sorcerer that was threatening the Kingdom, Valence." The fat one snapped back. "And was he not able to afford Dwarf forged weaponry because his father peddled wares?" Valence asked. "Nathan, do help me out here." The young one shrugged. "I would like to hear what the Dwarf has to say." [@Jb][@Tony Pajamas]