[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/0yETJV1.jpg[/img][/center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/iJFmQ3O.png[/img] Donny didn’t seem to notice her but that was fine by Junko. Frankly, she wasn’t sure what she was supposed to give back to the conversation anyway but being friendly was never hard to help, or so they say. She simply gave Donny a friendly shrug before Alice became the topic of conversation by arriving to their group. Huh. She wondered when the other heroes were showing up because the villain team was starting to file in one by one…surely it wasn’t just the three of them right? No, that couldn’t be right, she knew Ms. Mako said other names… In any case, she gave Alice a jittery wave and a smile. [color=39b54a]“Hi, hi…Alice, right? Eheh, I don’t think we’ve actually met before. Er, I’m not too good on strategy and I’m also not sure what our goals are for the hero team exactly. So, uh, I’ll just leave the big thinking to you, yeah. Just use me however you see fit, eheh.”[/color] All she wanted to do was scare people but that wasn’t very heroic to admit. Ms. Mako’s little meeting with her was still fresh in her mind so it was better to at least try and act the part, especially when neither of them knew if they were being graded for this. It didn’t occur to her that her other teammates didn’t even know how her Quirk worked until Donny explained his to the group. Alice’s was self-explanatory, but Donny’s was interesting to note, and Junko hoped Alice could find some use out of his. Clearing her throat, she too huddled closer so the other team couldn’t hear. [color=39b54a]“Um, well, I turn fear into power. Er, that is to say, I get physical enhancements from the fear around me. Like, if someone gets scared, I can punch a wall and move around fast and…stuff. Hope that helps."[/color] [hr] [center][@Lucius Cypher], [@Melpaws] [/center]