Brennen let out a short chuckle at Vah'lux's remark, though could not hide his own uncertainty as they followed the path that led to the town. There was a wariness to every step he took, as if he were walking toward a confrontation. There were only a few villages that brushed the grassy border of the Bog, their inhabitants reclusive and suspicious. But those who were aware of the Pyromancers talked of them with disdain. Brennen's giant companion was right: magic was a contentious force to begin with, treated as either a high art, lowly trick, or even demonic power depending on one's perspective. As such, Brennen took care to steer clear of most settlements he came across, preferring to keep to himself in the dense wilds. Sadly, the bristled hairs on the back of his neck followed Vah'lux's suspicion as she glanced behind her. Ordinarily, skirmishers such as these would trail only until the town came into view before promptly disengaging back into whatever sweltering hole they came from. But given the current circumstances, previous behavior was no longer a reassurance. Keeping quiet for the remainder of the journey, Brennen finally broke the silence with a hushed "There it is." As Windsgate's somewhat-imposing walls came into view. The townsfolk had carved this spot of land by hand, using the fell trees to create a shielded defense from anything that dared challenge them from the outside. Two guardsmen stood watch, militia types, by the look of it; wearing an unmatched assortment of leather and chainmail, leaning on spears likely hewn from the wood found in the surrounding area. One of them sniffled, eyes peering up beneath an ill-fitted helmet to appraise the two of them. While not overtly hostile, there was a glint of misgiving in his dark eyes, likely wondering what would bring two queerly-dressed strangers to him. "You lot don't look like traders..." The guard motioned his spear towards Brennen and Vah'lux to emphasize his point. "What brings you here?"